There are numerous highly rated scary films available for viewers to try, spanning a variety of subgenres within the horror genre. One such film is “The Exorcist,” a classic from 1973 about a young girl possessed by a demonic force and the priests who attempt to save her. This film is known for its iconic scenes and powerful performances, making it a must-watch for any horror fan. Another popular choice is “Get Out,” a 2017 film directed by Jordan Peele that delves into the horrors of racism and societal expectations. The film blends elements of horror and social commentary to create a chilling and thought-provoking viewing experience.

For those who enjoy supernatural horror, “The Conjuring” is a highly recommended film that follows a family haunted by a malevolent spirit in their new home. This film has spawned a successful franchise and is praised for its suspenseful atmosphere and strong performances. Another popular supernatural horror film is “Hereditary,” a 2018 film that centers on a family plagued by a series of disturbing events after the death of their secretive grandmother. This film has received critical acclaim for its unsettling tone and powerful performances, cementing its status as a modern horror classic.

Fans of psychological horror may enjoy films like “The Babadook,” a 2014 Australian film about a mother and son haunted by a mysterious creature from a children’s book. This film is lauded for its exploration of grief and motherhood, as well as its chilling atmosphere and strong performances. Another psychological horror film to consider is “Black Swan,” a 2010 film that follows a ballet dancer descending into madness as she prepares for a major performance. This film blends elements of horror and psychological thriller to create a visually stunning and intense viewing experience.

For those looking for a more unique and unconventional horror experience, “Midsommar” is a highly recommended film that follows a group of friends who attend a pagan festival in Sweden that takes a dark turn. This 2019 film is praised for its beautiful cinematography, original storytelling, and disturbing imagery, offering a fresh take on the horror genre. Another unconventional horror film to consider is “The Witch,” a 2015 film set in 17th century New England that follows a family torn apart by suspicion and paranoia after the disappearance of their youngest child. This film is known for its historical accuracy, slow-building tension, and eerie atmosphere.

In conclusion, there are countless highly rated scary films for viewers to explore, each offering a unique and thrilling viewing experience. From classic horror films like “The Exorcist” to modern hits like “Get Out” and “Hereditary,” there is something for every horror fan to enjoy. Whether you prefer supernatural horror, psychological horror, or more unconventional fare, there is no shortage of options to choose from. So grab some popcorn, turn off the lights, and prepare to be scared by these highly recommended scary films.

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