The case known as Carioca, involving a prostitution ring in Lugo, Galicia, has been ongoing for over 15 years without many consequences for the culprits. The ringleader, José Manuel García Adán, is the only one currently in prison serving a 21-year sentence for abuse and sexual assault. Due to delays in the case, many crimes have been dropped or have expired. In 2021, a major part of the case was settled with an agreement that reduced the sentences drastically, with Adán receiving only a small fine. Feminist groups criticize the leniency of the justice system towards cases of trafficking and prostitution, leading to minimal consequences for the perpetrators.

The latest trial involving three pimps and two civil guards accused of turning brothel activities into easy money in exchange for favors and money has shown the difficulties in prosecuting such crimes. The delays and lack of social support for the witnesses often result in reduced sentences or small fines, which do not compare to the debts the victims incurred by coming to Spain. The trial process has left many feeling that justice was not served and that the victims’ voices were not heard. Despite some positive outcomes in reaching agreements with some of the parties involved, the overall result of the case has raised concerns about the handling of similar cases in the future.

The fragmented nature of the case, with numerous defendants facing separate charges, has led to confusion and disconnect between the crimes committed by each individual. The main investigator of the case was criticized for delays and negligence, leading to her suspension in 2019. The impact on the victims of the prostitution ring has been long-lasting, with many struggling to overcome the trauma they endured. Some have managed to rebuild their lives, while others continue to suffer from psychological and emotional scars. The lack of justice and support for these victims has been a source of frustration for those involved in the case.

The tragic story of Angie Palencia, who died before seeing justice served for the forced abortion she underwent at the hands of the perpetrators, highlights the challenges faced by victims of trafficking and prostitution. The lack of accountability for those responsible for such heinous acts raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system in addressing these crimes. The ongoing struggles of Cilene Domingues Lourenço, another victim of the prostitution ring, serve as a reminder of the long-lasting impact of such experiences on the lives of the victims.

Despite some positive changes in the handling of trafficking and prostitution cases by law enforcement agencies, there are still challenges in addressing these issues effectively. The visibility brought by the Carioca operation has shed light on the underground world of prostitution and trafficking in Lugo, but more needs to be done to ensure justice for the victims and accountability for the perpetrators. The shift from brothels to private locations has made it more difficult to combat exploitation, but efforts are being made to address these challenges and provide support for those affected by these crimes.

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