Salim Berrada, known as the “Tinder rapist” by the press, has been sentenced to eighteen years in prison by the criminal court of Paris on March 29th. He was found guilty of 12 rapes and 3 sexual assaults against seventeen women between 2014 and 2016. The Moroccan national was also given a permanent ban from French territory. A sentence of nineteen years in prison had been requested, which was considered very harsh given the maximum penalty of twenty years for the destruction of seventeen lives by this “insatiable egocentric hunter” who attracted victims through dating sites.

The investigators had uncovered the similar “modus operandi” of the photographer who lured women to his home under the pretext of a photo shoot. This process had become “industrialized” with a precisely described “specifications sheet” in several Excel files where he listed pick-up lines, compliments, and proposals. He would send mass solicitations to potential models leveraging his reputation as a photographer. The women who were told by Salim Berrada that each one was “unique”, a “muse”, were offered alcohol upon arrival, which many felt pressured to accept. They all described feeling unnaturally rapid drunkenness and loss of strength. Investigators suspect a “chemical submission” which Salim Berrada also denies, followed by forced sexual intercourse despite their refusals.

After two and a half years in prison, Salim Berrada was released under judicial control in 2019 with a ban on practicing as a photographer. Several women then reported to authorities his “significant activity” on dating apps which led to new complaints and charges of rape and sexual assault. This investigation is ongoing and he was returned to prison in July. The case of the “Tinder rapist” continues to unfold with more victims coming forward with their stories. The pattern of behavior exhibited by Salim Berrada in attracting and then assaulting women has been consistent and calculated, with numerous victims falling prey to his tactics.

The severity of the crimes committed by Salim Berrada was highlighted during the trial with the prosecution seeking a nearly maximum penalty for his actions. The impact of his actions on the lives of the seventeen victims was described as devastating and irreparable. The court found him guilty of multiple rapes and sexual assaults based on the evidence presented by the investigators. The detailed planning and execution of his assaults using his reputation as a photographer to lure unsuspecting women to his home were particularly disturbing and predatory in nature.

The trial of Salim Berrada, the “Tinder rapist”, has brought to light the dangers of online dating and the need for increased awareness and vigilance when interacting with strangers. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of taking precautions and being cautious when meeting people online or in person. The courage of the victims who came forward to share their experiences played a crucial role in bringing Salim Berrada to justice and holding him accountable for his heinous crimes. The legal system acted decisively in sentencing him to eighteen years in prison and a permanent ban from French territory, sending a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

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