Sergio De Caprio, also known as Captain Ultimo, is a former Italian police officer who gained fame for arresting Mafia boss Totò Riina in 1993. Born in 1961 in Montevarchi, he began his career in the police force in Sicily, where he arrested key members of the Mafia, including Vincenzo Puccio and Antonino Gargano. De Caprio was later transferred to Milan, where he became the captain of the Ros, a special operations group, and founded the Crimor, an operational combat unit in Palermo. He was later accused of failing to inform prosecutors that surveillance on Riina had been suspended, but he was ultimately acquitted of any wrongdoing in 2006.

In 2000, De Caprio transferred to the Noe, an environmental police unit in Rome, where he served as vice commander. During his time there, he was involved in high-profile arrests, including that of Giuseppe Orsi, the president of Finmeccanica, and Bruno Landi, the former president of the Lazio region. He also oversaw the investigation into the Cpl Concordia case. In 2015, he founded a charitable association called the “Voluntari Capitano Ultimo Onlus” to support various causes. De Caprio later moved to the Aise, Italy’s foreign intelligence service, where he directed the office of internal affairs. However, in 2017, he was returned to the police force due to a breakdown in trust following a corruption scandal.

De Caprio’s involvement in politics is not a recent development. In 2020, he was appointed as the Environment Minister in Calabria in the government led by Jole Santelli, the regional president of Forza Italia who tragically passed away before completing her term. De Caprio’s decision to enter the political arena has been met with anticipation, as he has already made a name for himself through his work in law enforcement. Despite facing challenges and accusations in his career, he remains committed to serving the public and promoting transparency and justice in governance.

The details of De Caprio’s life and career are documented in his biography titled “Stop Captain Ultimo,” co-written with journalist Pino Corrias. The book sheds light on his experiences and challenges throughout his time in law enforcement, including the investigations into the League, Finmeccanica, and the Cpl Concordia case. De Caprio’s dedication to upholding the law and fighting corruption is evident in his actions and decisions, which have earned him both admiration and criticism from various sectors of society. His decision to relinquish a prestigious national honor in 2018 reflects his commitment to integrity and accountability in all aspects of his professional and personal life.

De Caprio’s journey from a young police officer in Sicily to a prominent figure in Italian law enforcement and politics is a testament to his resilience and determination. His role in capturing high-profile criminals and exposing corruption has made him a polarizing figure in Italian society, with some seeing him as a hero and others as a controversial figure. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, De Caprio continues to pursue justice and transparency in his work, both in law enforcement and in his political endeavors. His decision to engage in public service through politics underscores his commitment to making a positive impact on society and upholding the principles of honesty and fairness in governance.

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