The Balearic Islands woke up on Thursday still feeling the effects of a weather phenomenon known as dana. The Palma airport experienced delays and cancellations of flights due to the storms affecting the islands and other parts of Europe. The depression, which is expected to weaken on Friday, continued to affect mainly the islands and Catalonia. While Formentera was the most affected on Wednesday, on Thursday the heavy rains and storms mostly impacted Mallorca and Menorca, leading to numerous floods. The emergency services in the Balearic Islands had responded to 184 incidents by early afternoon, with the highest number of incidents reported in Mallorca, Ibiza, and Formentera. In Manacor, firefighters had to evacuate 29 passengers from a train due to flooding on the tracks.

As a result of the heavy rains and storms, there were incidents of water accumulation on the streets, totaling 11. Emergency services also responded to four building floods and three instances of liquid obstacles on the streets. On Wednesday, approximately 30,640 lightning strikes were recorded in the Mediterranean region due to the dana, which was expected to move towards Corsica on Thursday. While most of the lightning struck the sea, about 4,715 strikes, or 15% of the total, hit land. This number is far from the record set on August 9, 2018, when 268,396 lightning strikes were recorded in the same area.

The impact of the dana was felt most severely in the Balearic Islands, where the extreme weather caused disruptions and emergencies. The airports, especially in Palma, experienced disruptions in flights, and there were numerous incidents of flooding and other weather-related issues throughout the region. The emergency services were kept busy responding to calls for assistance and carrying out evacuations in the most affected areas. The storm had a significant impact on transportation, infrastructure, and daily life in the affected areas.

Despite the challenges posed by the dana, efforts were made to ensure the safety and well-being of residents and visitors in the affected areas. Emergency services worked tirelessly to respond to incidents and provide assistance to those in need. The storm eventually began to weaken and move away from the Balearic Islands, offering some relief to the region. While the impact of the weather phenomenon was significant, the response and recovery efforts highlighted the resilience and preparedness of the communities affected.

In conclusion, the dana that swept through the Balearic Islands caused disruptions and emergencies, particularly in Mallorca and Menorca. The storm led to flooding, flight cancellations, and other issues, requiring a swift response from emergency services. As the storm moved away from the region, efforts were made to assess the damage and ensure the safety of residents and visitors. The impact of the dana serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of weather events and the importance of preparedness and response measures in ensuring the well-being of communities.

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