The G-20 Tourism Ministers meeting in Belém, in the Brazilian Amazon, gathered to discuss the importance of sustainable tourism and putting people at the center of the industry. Spanish Minister Jordi Hereu highlighted Spain’s international leadership in tourism and the significant investment made to transform the model. With the support of European Union Next Generation funds, Spain has invested 2.4 billion euros since 2021 to modernize its tourism offerings. Hereu emphasized the social contribution of the tourism industry in Spain, creating quality jobs, wealth, and environmental preservation.

Brazilian Tourism Minister Celso Sabino urged his counterparts from the wealthier countries to provide concrete support for the Amazon rainforest and its crucial climate function, particularly through sustainable ecotourism. The sector employs 2.9 million workers in Spain, with a significant number of foreigners and a majority of women in the hospitality subsector. Hereu stressed the importance of investing in training and quality jobs in tourism, highlighting Spain’s allocation of funds for Social Sustainability Plans focusing on gender equality, training, and professional development for tourism workers.

The meeting in Belém coincided with the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro hosted by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, bringing together leaders to discuss global challenges and opportunities. Hereu engaged with counterparts from key markets like Brazil, Germany, Saudi Arabia, India, and Portugal, addressing the need to govern tourism and mitigate its negative impacts through effective policies. Spain has faced protests this summer in destinations such as the Canary Islands and Málaga against the negative effects of mass tourism, highlighting the importance of addressing issues like overcrowding and environmental impact.

Spain, as the second most visited country in the world after France, is committed to promoting sustainable tourism practices and social development within the industry. Minister Hereu emphasized the role of tourism in fostering social cohesion and the need to invest in training and job quality. By investing in the professional development of workers and promoting gender equality, Spain aims to address the challenges facing the tourism sector, including the regulation of tourist apartments, climate change, and geopolitical threats. The G-20 Tourism Ministers meeting served as a platform for dialogue and collaboration on these issues, with a focus on advancing sustainable tourism practices globally.

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