As spring brings a deluge of toxic messaging around “summer body prep,” it’s important to focus on keeping our bodies strong and well-nourished. Five nutritionists and naturopaths have shared the foods they always steer clear of, including processed deli meats, which contain nitrites that have negative health impacts. Industrial fruit juices are another culprit, as they spike blood sugar levels and lack nutritional value. Processed convenience foods should be avoided as well, with the recommendation of choosing organic frozen fish and vegetables instead of unknown compositions.
Packaged puddings are on the nutritionists’ list of foods to avoid due to their ultra-processed nature and harmful additives that disrupt our microbiota and increase inflammation. Instead, they suggest making homemade versions with real ingredients. 0% fat yogurts can also be problematic, as consuming diet products can paradoxically lead to weight gain. These yogurts are often sweeter and sugar-free versions are loaded with artificial sweeteners, which can be detrimental to our health. An alternative is to try greek yogurt instead.
Butter is not necessarily off-limits, but some nutritionists prefer ghee or healthy oils as alternatives. Cows’ milk yogurts from supermarkets are inflammatory and acidifying, containing proteins and lactose that may be difficult to digest for some individuals. Plant-based yogurts and compotes are recommended replacements. Margarine, a butter substitute, has no nutritional benefits and typically contains trans fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils that are harmful to both health and the planet. Real sources of fat like butter, ghee, coconut, olive, or nut oils are preferred.
Industrial fruit juices are full of added sugar and lack fiber found in whole fruits, causing blood sugar spikes that can impact weight and energy levels. Processed convenience foods are too high in salt and bad fats, with the suggestion of keeping plenty of vegetables in the fridge for snacking instead. Ultimately, focusing on nourishing the body with whole, natural foods and avoiding processed, unhealthy options is key to staying strong and healthy year-round. By being mindful of food choices and opting for nutrient-dense alternatives, we can support our well-being and overall health.