Radio-frequency jamming is currently the best protection against drones, as it involves broadcasting noise on the same frequency band that enemy drones are using to communicate. However, drone operators keep changing frequencies, requiring jammers to adapt to stay effective. The Russians attempted an alternate approach by jamming all frequencies at all times, which did not go well.

Russian jammers are limited to handling one frequency band at a time, making accurate frequency selection crucial. The popular Breakwater jammer can block one of twenty different frequency ranges, making the vehicle immune to FPV attacks on that band. However, using the wrong frequency allows the drone to pass through and potentially destroy the vehicle, necessitating multiple jammers or accurate frequency identification.

A new Russian ‘Frankentank’ was recently described by Ukrainian electronic warfare expert Sergii Flash, equipped with a massive jamming structure on its roof. The tank featured advanced electronic warfare gear, including multiple panels of antennas and blocking capabilities for various frequency bands. This innovation allowed the tank to effectively jam FPV attack drones, preventing them from targeting the armored column.

A jammer requires a power source to function, and while some modern Russian tanks have auxiliary power units, many do not. To counteract this issue, the Russians installed a generator and battery on the jamming system, ensuring continuous operation even when the tank engine is turned off. Despite the impressive jamming capabilities, Ukrainian scout drones were able to identify the Russian armored column and deploy FPV drones to strike. Eventually, the fifth FPV drone disabled the monster jammer tank.

Various methods may have been employed by the Ukrainians to overcome the Russian jamming system, including the use of FPV drones with automatic lock-on technology, which allows the operator to designate a target and guide the drone even if the radio connection is lost. Additionally, the Ukrainians may have deployed FPV drones with custom-made radio communicators operating on non-standard frequencies to avoid electronic warfare interference. This technical ingenuity has been crucial in countering Russian jamming tactics.

Surprisingly, the monster jammer tank was recovered by Ukrainian troops from the Azov division after it was disabled in combat. Despite being only 400 meters from Russian lines, the Ukrainian soldiers successfully recovered the tank over three nights, defusing anti-tank mines and carrying out a heavy battery to restart the vehicle. The recovery mission captured the first-ever T-72B3M mod. 2022 to be recovered intact, showcasing Ukrainian technical prowess in overcoming Russian jamming efforts. Moving forward, Ukrainian technicians are likely studying the captured jamming technology to develop countermeasures for future engagements.

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