In Chuelles (Loiret), on June 14, 2024, Jordan Bardella, the president of the far-right party Rassemblement National, presented his program for the legislative elections focusing on the key themes of police, justice, and immigration. Bardella emphasized the historical fundamentals of his party, highlighting “firmness” and repression on these issues. When it comes to justice, Bardella’s program does not bring anything new to the table, as it echoes some initiatives already implemented by the previous government. This includes the construction of new prison spaces, with a plan to build 15,000 new places by 2027, which is already in progress. Bardella also advocates for a reform of juvenile justice, including immediate appearance in court, a measure previously suggested by the Prime Minister in April.

However, Bardella’s proposal to lower the criminal majority age to 16 years old, a long-standing demand of the right and far-right parties, is seen as unclear. The current penal code states that what matters is the discernment of the minor involved in the case. Lowering the criminal majority age to 16 may only be a symbolic move, as the criminal justice system for minors already has specific rules regarding discernment and penalties. Bardella also suggests implementing minimum sentences, a measure previously tried in 2007 to combat recidivism, but later abolished due to mixed results. Studies have shown that minimum sentences did not have a deterrence effect and led to longer prison sentences and increased prison population, which is already overcrowded in France.

Another aspect of Bardella’s program is to limit the possibility of sentence reductions and adjustments, particularly for crimes against individuals. This could further strain the French prison system, which already faces overcrowding issues. Bardella’s proposal to align juvenile criminal law with general criminal law could potentially eliminate the autonomy principle of juvenile criminal law, which ensures a protective procedure and specialized justice for minors. The preservation of this principle is constitutionally guaranteed and supported by international conventions on children’s rights. Bardella’s program, with its focus on harsh punishments and restrictions, raises concerns about its impact on the justice system and the rights of minors.

In addition to justice reforms, Bardella also addressed immigration issues in his program. His approach revolves around tightening borders, reducing legal immigration, and promoting the deportation of undocumented immigrants. These proposals align with the nationalist and anti-immigration stance of his party, reflecting its historical roots. Bardella’s emphasis on security and law enforcement measures on immigration echoes the far-right’s consistent rhetoric on the topic. By placing importance on these themes, Bardella aims to appeal to voters concerned about national security and immigration control.

As Bardella presents his program for the legislative elections, his focus on firmness and repression on key issues such as police, justice, and immigration reflects the core values of Rassemblement National. However, the lack of originality and clarity in some of his proposals raises questions about their effectiveness and potential impact on the justice system and society. Going forward, Bardella’s program will be scrutinized by voters and critics alike, as they assess the feasibility and consequences of his policy proposals. The upcoming legislative elections will test the appeal of Bardella’s platform and the support for his party’s ideology in French politics.

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