Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, has dedicated the past two decades to studying awe and how experiencing it can positively impact our lives. He differentiates awe from joy or fear, claiming that it has unique effects on our bodies, relationships with others, and overall perception of the world. In his book “Awe: The New Science Of Everyday Wonder And How It Can Transform Your Life,” Keltner delves into the physiological and psychological impacts of awe, including how it deactivates the default mode network in the brain, which is responsible for self-representational processes.

Keltner explains that experiencing awe activates our vagus nerve, slows heart rate, aids digestion, and reduces inflammation in the body. To cultivate more awe in our lives, he suggests simple practices such as taking an “awe walk” where one focuses on noticing the beauty and wonder around them, from small details like blooming flowers to grandiose sights like a sunset. Through a study with older individuals, Keltner and his colleagues found that those who engaged in awe walks experienced increased feelings of wonder over time, leading to reduced pain and distress. Additionally, participants exhibited a shift in focus from self-centered thoughts to a broader awareness of the world around them.

The benefits of awe extend beyond physical well-being to encompass a deeper sense of connection and appreciation for life. Keltner emphasizes the importance of seeking out awe in various forms, whether through observing moral beauty in acts of kindness, engaging with art and music, or contemplating profound ideas. By expanding our attention beyond the self and immersing in experiences that evoke awe, individuals can tap into a powerful source of positivity and fulfillment. The concept of the “eight wonders of life” highlights the transformative potential of awe in shaping our perspectives and enriching our existence.

Incorporating awe into daily life serves as an antidote to narcissism and self-absorption, encouraging a shift towards humility, gratitude, and interconnectedness with the world. Keltner’s research underscores the profound impact that awe can have on mental, emotional, and physical well-being, offering a pathway towards greater peace, resilience, and joy. By embracing experiences that evoke wonder, individuals can unlock a cascade of physiological benefits that contribute to overall health and vitality. Through intentional practices that foster awe, one can cultivate a richer and more meaningful relationship with themselves and the world around them.

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