The Asociación Católica de Propagandistas (ACdP) has been at the center of controversy in Spain, with events such as billboards appearing in over 60 Spanish cities claiming that the conquest of America in 1492 was carried out by heroes and saints, not genocidal or enslavers. The organization, founded in 1909, has a long history of influencing Spanish politics, universities, and media, with key figures such as Angel Herrera Oria and José María Gil-Robles. While the organization declined during the technocratic rule of Opus Dei in the Franco regime, it has seen a resurgence under its current president, Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, who has brought it back to the forefront of ultraconservative Catholic activism.

The ACdP is known for its educational activities, particularly through the CEU group, which owns universities and schools across Spain. In addition to education, the organization engages in political campaigning, such as campaigns against issues like euthanasia and the reform of the Penal Code related to abortion. The ACdP’s messaging is aimed at opposing what they see as “political correctness” and the “cancel culture” promoted by left-wing groups. They also collaborate with other conservative organizations and figures to spread their message, both within Spain and internationally, including figures like the popular Mexican right-wing Eduardo Verástegui.

The ACdP, despite being a lay organization, is closely affiliated with the Catholic Church, with bishops participating in their events. The organization’s language and messaging are aimed at being fresh and rebellious, appealing to a younger audience. Instead of the formal communication typical of diocesan communications, the ACdP uses modern communication techniques to reach their target audience and convey their message effectively.

Apart from its educational activities, the ACdP also engages in political advocacy through platforms like NEOS, a foundation led by Jaime Mayor Oreja that was established to combat progressive policies such as the Agenda 2030, LGBTQ+ laws, and abortion and euthanasia regulations. NEOS serves as a platform for conservative voices to unite against what they see as left-wing advances in Spain, with a focus on countering the influence of the “Frente Popular” and other progressive movements.

Through NEOS and other initiatives, the ACdP has become a hub for conservative Catholic activism in Spain, hosting events, forums, and conferences with prominent figures from the right-wing political spectrum. The organization works closely with other conservative groups and campaigns against issues they see as threats to their values and beliefs. Despite facing criticism for some of their controversial messaging, the ACdP remains a vocal and active presence in Spanish politics and society.

With the rise of Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza to the presidency of the ACdP in 2018, the organization has expanded its reach and influence, collaborating with international organizations and think tanks to promote conservative ideals. CEU-CEFAS, a think tank and training center founded during Bullón de Mendoza’s tenure, has published studies on topics such as the “hegemony of woke ideology” and hosted events with figures like Balázs Orbán, director of Viktor Orbán’s government, to counter what they see as biased Western media portrayals of Hungary’s government. Despite this, the ACdP maintains that its activities are primarily religious and not partisan, focusing on defending traditional Catholic values in a modern context.

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