The upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago is expected to face violent protests from an alliance of far-left groups and Islamists who oppose Israel and America. This coalition, known as the Red-Green Alliance, unites Marxist and Islamist groups with the common goal of attacking Jews, Israel, Western civilization, and capitalism. Various organizations, including Students for Justice in Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine, and Jewish Voice for Peace, have manipulated social justice movements on college campuses, leading to the exclusion of Jewish individuals. The Red-Green Alliance has been observed during anti-Israel riots at universities, such as Columbia University.

The decision by Democrats to cave in to pressure from anti-Israel groups led to the rejection of Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as a potential vice presidential candidate. Shapiro’s perceived pro-Israel stance made him unpopular with party activists, some of whom exhibited antisemitic sentiments. Extremist groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America and anti-Israel Islamists ensured Harris was warned about the consequences of nominating Shapiro. The approval of a “March on the DNC” by Red-Green Alliance groups is concerning, as it may lead to violent disruptions similar to the George Floyd riots.

The potential for dangerous activity, such as traffic blockades and harassment, at the DNC and on college campuses presents a serious threat. Organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine, Palestinian Youth Movement, and US Campaign for Palestinian Rights are leading the charge in creating anti-Zionist environments on campuses. Protests mocking Jewish students and advocating armed rebellion have been planned at institutions like the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Antisemitic demonstrations are anticipated at schools like Columbia University, prompting heightened security measures.

The encouragement of a “Student Strike for Palestine” at over 100 colleges aims to pressure institutions to divest from Israel and create an intimidating atmosphere. Democrat politicians and college administrators have failed to address or confront these radical groups, leaving campuses vulnerable to becoming Jew-free zones. Without stronger leadership from political and academic figures, the hatred and intimidation seen at the DNC and on campuses will continue to escalate. William A. Jacobson and Kemberlee Kaye emphasize the urgency of taking a stand against the Red-Green Alliance and its destructive agenda.

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