The iconic game show “Wheel of Fortune” recently made some changes to its set, with Ryan Seacrest taking over as the new host after Pat Sajak’s retirement. While many fans enjoyed Seacrest’s debut, some were not happy with the changes to the show’s set, including new graphics and a different overall look. Fans took to social media to express their displeasure with the changes, with some calling the new graphics “terrible” and “cheap.”

Despite the negative feedback on the changes to the show’s set, many fans had positive things to say about Seacrest’s performance as the new host. Some praised Seacrest for doing a great job on his first day, while others expressed excitement for the new era of “Wheel of Fortune” under Seacrest’s leadership. One fan even pointed out the similarity in Seacrest’s voice to the former host, Pat Sajak.

For fans of Sajak, there is still a chance to see him on the upcoming season of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, which is set to premiere in October. The new season will feature celebrities competing to win money for charity, with Sajak returning to his hosting duties for the special season. This gives fans of the original host one last chance to see Sajak in action on the game show.

While the changes to the show’s set may have divided some fans, the overall consensus seems to be that Seacrest is doing a good job in his new role as host of “Wheel of Fortune.” With Seacrest bringing his own unique style to the show, fans are excited to see what the future holds for the long-running game show under his leadership. Whether fans are happy with the changes or not, there is no denying that “Wheel of Fortune” continues to be a beloved and iconic television staple.

As the new season progresses, fans will have the chance to see how Seacrest settles into his role as the host of “Wheel of Fortune” and how the changes to the show’s set may evolve. With Sajak’s return on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, fans will also have the opportunity to see both hosts in action and compare their performances. Overall, despite the mixed reactions to the changes, it seems that fans are excited for the future of the show and the new direction it is taking under Seacrest’s guidance.

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