A group of lawyers is preparing a constitutional complaint in Karlsruhe, Germany, as they believe that the state is not fulfilling its duty under the Basic Law to maintain functional armed forces. Their goal is to establish a legal obligation for the government to adequately equip the Bundeswehr for defense purposes. They argue that the current state of the military is far from being prepared for any potential threats or conflicts that may arise.

The lawyers, who are spearheading this initiative, are raising concerns about the lack of proper funding and resources allocated to the Bundeswehr. They claim that the current budget for the military is insufficient to meet the necessary requirements for maintaining a strong and capable defense force. They argue that this neglect of the military’s needs is a violation of the state’s duty to ensure the nation’s security and defense.

The lawyers are supported by a team of legal experts who are confident in the merits of their case. They believe that there is a strong legal basis for their argument that the government is failing to fulfill its obligations under the Basic Law. They are determined to bring the issue to the attention of the constitutional court in Karlsruhe in order to hold the government accountable for its neglect of the military.

The lawyers are calling for a legal obligation to be imposed on the government to adequately equip and support the Bundeswehr. They argue that this is essential for ensuring the nation’s defense capabilities and security in the face of potential threats. They emphasize the importance of upholding the principles of the Basic Law, which outlines the responsibilities of the state in maintaining a strong and capable military force.

The lawyers are also seeking support from other legal professionals and experts in the field of national security and defense. They believe that their case has far-reaching implications for the future of the Bundeswehr and the nation’s security. They are calling for a united front to hold the government accountable and ensure that the military is properly equipped and prepared to defend the nation against any potential threats.

Overall, the lawyers are taking a stand against the government’s neglect of the Bundeswehr and its failure to fulfill its duty under the Basic Law. They are committed to bringing their case before the constitutional court in Karlsruhe in order to seek justice and accountability for the inadequate state of the military. Their efforts highlight the importance of upholding the nation’s defense capabilities and ensuring the security of the nation in the face of potential threats and conflicts.

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