The PSOE will claim its role as a “bastion” of the left and as a containment barrier against an expanding ultra-right at the 41st Federal Congress from 29 November to 1 December in Seville. The party aims to demonstrate Spain’s leadership in social democracy and present an alternative model where social rights, environmental sustainability, and economic competitiveness can advance together. The party’s commitment includes safeguarding rights such as abortion and equal marriage in the Constitution, strengthening the welfare state, deepening federalism, and adopting a new regional financing system that promotes equity, efficiency, and solidarity while ensuring the responsibility of autonomous communities and avoiding unfair competition among them.

The PSOE’s proposal on regional financing aims to provide more resources to all autonomous communities and maintain solidarity based on fiscal effort. The party seeks to address current inequalities in funding per capita to prevent communities with higher fiscal capacity from receiving fewer resources. The party also suggests changes in tax composition to prevent competition in lowering taxes and to revise the adjusted population formula to improve the calculation of needs and fiscal capacity. The PSOE also supports negotiating a relief of public debt for regional governments accumulated during the 2008 financial crisis.

In terms of territorial structure, the PSOE advocates for further federalization of the State to improve the allocation of competences, the role of the Senate as a territorial representation chamber, and the institutionalization of relationships between autonomous communities. The party also proposes a more progressive tax system that includes transferred taxes to autonomous communities and local governments, increasing taxes on the wealthy, establishing a minimum tax rate of 50% on annual incomes above €300,000, and introducing an estate tax on large inheritances and donations.

Regarding housing policies, the PSOE aims to increase the public housing stock to at least 6% of the total by 2030, strengthen the right to housing in the Constitution, eliminate illegal tourist accommodations, and introduce progressive property taxes starting from the third property. The party also advocates for measures to prevent the conversion of residential properties into tourist accommodations in high-demand areas.

In terms of immigration, the PSOE proposes a model that guarantees a constant influx of workers integrated into society, emphasizing the need for secure and orderly migration channels. The party also supports the creation of a streamlined homologation system for foreign qualifications to maximize talent utilization, particularly in sectors facing labor shortages such as healthcare. Additionally, the PSOE pledges to achieve an 80% share of renewable energy in electricity generation by 2030, enhance water resource management, and promote sustainable transportation measures.

The PSOE also advocates for amendments to allow voting from the age of 16, a demand from the party’s youth wing, to lower the current voting age of 18 and necessitating modifications to electoral law. The party also proposes initiatives to support public transportation access for employees in large companies, introduce a national public transportation pass, provide incentives for bicycle commuting, and facilitate access to electric vehicles for low-income households and small businesses.

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