Pedro Sánchez is facing a difficult situation in the coming months, with his majority in Congress no longer guaranteed. Junts, along with PP and Vox, voted against the Government in a recent session, causing a great deal of stress for the ruling PSOE. There is talk of a possible extension of the 2025 Budget, pending decisions from Junts and ERC on their future with the Government. Sánchez is known for turning moments of weakness into opportunities, and the upcoming 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE in November in Sevilla will be a chance for him to strengthen his position internally and address concerns over the financial deal with Catalonia.

The PSOE will undergo a restructuring process following the Federal Congress, with regional, local, and comarcal congresses scheduled in the coming months. This reorganization is seen as crucial for the party’s future success in the upcoming elections, with a focus on regaining strength in traditional strongholds like Andalucía. The PP went through a similar process after losing power in 2018, resulting in the consolidation of new leadership profiles in regional governments and major cities. The PSOE aims to follow suit and prepare for the upcoming elections in 2026, with a focus on gaining ground in key regions beyond Catalonia.

The period of uncertainty in April, when Sánchez considered stepping down due to legal issues involving his wife, marked a turning point for the PSOE. While the episode brought about a more open discussion about succession within the party, ultimately Sánchez decided to continue leading with renewed strength. Since then, there has been greater communication among party leaders, with a focus on maintaining unity and preparing for future challenges. The upcoming Federal Congress will be an opportunity for Sánchez to solidify his position and address concerns raised by party members.

The recent changes in leadership positions in regions like Valencia, Extremadura, and Galicia have brought a mix of new and experienced leaders to the forefront of the PSOE. The party is focused on consolidating leadership roles and preparing for the upcoming elections, with the aim of presenting a strong alternative in regions where they are not currently in power. The process of reorganization within the party is seen as crucial to its future success, with a focus on strengthening its position at all levels of government and preparing for the challenges ahead.

The upcoming period of reflection for the PSOE will involve discussions on key issues such as the financial deal with Catalonia and the need for internal cohesion within the party. Barons and party leaders are eager for explanations from Sánchez regarding the recent developments and decisions made by the Government. The party is working towards a common goal of winning the next elections, with a focus on building a strong foundation for future success. The upcoming Congresses and restructuring processes will play a key role in shaping the future direction of the PSOE and preparing it for the challenges ahead.

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