The Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office has filed a complaint with the Madrid Investigating Courts after studying a document from José Luis Ábalos, former Minister of Transport and former Secretary of Organization of the PSOE during Pedro Sánchez’s term, in which he complains about alleged disclosure of secrets and personal data in leaks of documents related to the Koldo case. The complaint from the Prosecutor’s Office has been received by the 33rd court in Madrid, according to judicial sources. In a document seen by Europa Press, the prosecutor reports the filing of the complaint, which has been submitted to the Court of Instruction in Madrid pending distribution, following the completion of pre-processual investigation procedures.

Ábalos, now part of the Mixed Group in Congress after being expelled from the PSOE, announced on July 24th that he was filing a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office to investigate the leaks of documents relating to the Koldo case that affect him and third parties he has had a relationship with. He emphasized that, at least for now, he is not under investigation in that case, and lamented that these leaks have not been subject to criminal reproach or investigation by those responsible for ensuring the purity of the criminal procedure.

In addition to alleged crimes of discovery and disclosure of secrets, he also denounced the omission of pursuing crimes, meaning inaction towards these leaks. Ábalos pointed out that neither the Guardia Civil nor the National Court investigating the case have taken any action to detect the source of the leaks, which he says are causing “enormous harm” to his personal and professional reputation. He criticized the violation of privacy and honor not only of public figures like himself but also of others unrelated to the case.

In his complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office, Ábalos noted that there is a systematic dissemination of private information about his life, such as travels or stays, that could only be obtained from administrative and police records. He raised concerns about an uncontrolled investigation against him, suspecting it may have started before the Koldo case was judicially investigated. He highlighted the role of certain media in publishing these leaks and questioned the lack of proper handling of personal data and the absence of police reports linking the leaked documents to the case.

The investigating judge in the Koldo case has requested a certified copy of an internal audit from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda that showed a ministerial order signed by Ábalos doubling the quantity of masks purchased from a key company in a short period. The judge is also considering calling the current minister, Óscar Puente, to testify in the case as requested by a popular prosecution association. The case involves alleged commissions paid to secure mask procurement contracts during the pandemic, with Koldo García, a former advisor to Ábalos, implicated in the scheme. The Prosecutor’s Office has attributed several crimes to them, including organized crime, money laundering, bribery, tax offenses, and influence trafficking.

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