On the agenda for the day, Michel Barnier is traveling to Savoie and Haute-Savoie, his stronghold. He will visit the National Institute of Solar Energy and a Maison France Services, before attending the Republican parliamentary days at 4:30 pm. At this event, Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau, and François-Xavier Bellamy will hold a press conference at 6:30 pm in Annecy. Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron is heading to Le Havre to commemorate its liberation from Nazi occupation in September 1944. The mayor, Edouard Philippe, will also deliver a speech. Philippe recently announced his candidacy for the next presidential election and expressed his willingness to support the new Prime Minister during the Horizons parliamentary days.

In the morning programs, various politicians will be featured for interviews. Véronique Guillotin, a senator from Meurthe-et-Moselle, will be on Public Sénat at 7:30 am. Jean-Philippe Tanguy, a member of the Rassemblement National party from Somme, will appear on France 2 at 7:40 am. Aurore Bergé, the resigned Minister for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination, and Robert Ménard, the Mayor of Béziers, will also be interviewed on RTL and RMC respectively. Other politicians like Maud Bregeon and Pierre Jouvet will share their insights on various radio stations. The lineup also includes Eric Coquerel, President of La France Insoumise’s finance commission, and Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister, among others.

As part of his visit to Savoie and Haute-Savoie, Michel Barnier will engage with stakeholders in the solar energy sector and visit a Maison France Services. He will then attend the Republican parliamentary days in Annecy, where a press conference will be held with Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau, and François-Xavier Bellamy. Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron will commemorate the liberation of Le Havre from Nazi occupation in September 1944. Edouard Philippe, the Mayor of Le Havre and former Prime Minister, will also deliver a speech. Philippe recently announced his candidacy for the upcoming presidential election.

In this lineup of morning interviews, various politicians from different parties and levels of government will share their perspectives on current affairs. Véronique Guillotin, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, Aurore Bergé, Robert Ménard, Maud Bregeon, Pierre Jouvet, Eric Coquerel, Dominique de Villepin, Sébastien Delogu, and Fabien Roussel will provide insight into key issues faced by France. The guests will discuss topics ranging from finance to gender equality, and the ongoing political landscape in the country. These interviews will provide a platform for politicians to communicate their views to the public and engage in discussions on important matters.

Overall, the day’s agenda includes a mix of official visits, political events, and media appearances by various politicians. Michel Barnier will engage with stakeholders in the solar energy sector and attend the Republican parliamentary days in Savoie and Haute-Savoie. Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron will commemorate the liberation of Le Havre from Nazi occupation alongside Edouard Philippe. The morning programs will feature interviews with a range of politicians discussing current issues and sharing their perspectives on key topics. This lineup of events reflects the dynamic political landscape in France and the diverse viewpoints within the political sphere.

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