Prime Minister Michel Barnier praised the France services spaces as evidence that mutualization and simplification measures can lead to improvement. There are currently close to 3000 such spaces across France. Barnier visited one of these spaces in Entrelacs, Savoie, where he saw elderly and vulnerable individuals receiving the administrative help they needed. He emphasized the importance of encouraging these solutions, even through experimentation. Barnier plans to issue an instruction allowing prefects to deviate from national guidelines when necessary. He also stressed the need for a culture of evaluation and mentioned the importance of spending public funds wisely.

The France Services spaces were created in response to the feeling of neglect expressed during the “yellow vest” crisis in areas facing a decline in public services and increasing digitalization of administrative procedures. There are currently 2,840 of these spaces in France, including branch offices. These local service centers offer assistance with various administrative tasks such as taxes, pensions, vehicle registration, and online applications. They serve as a multi-service hub, with eleven national partners involved in providing assistance, including government agencies and social security organizations.

However, the Court of Auditors recently warned that the sustainability of the France Services program – which helps alleviate feelings of neglect and territorial disparities – relies on a strategic direction supported by increased financial and human resources. The success of these spaces depends on adequate funding and staffing to ensure their long-term viability. There is a need to prioritize and invest in these services to address the challenges faced by citizens in accessing essential public services in their communities.

In response to the evolving needs of citizens and the changing landscape of public service delivery, the government is committed to promoting accessibility and effectiveness in service provision. Barnier’s decision to grant prefects more flexibility in implementing France Services demonstrates a willingness to adapt to local needs and find innovative solutions for improving public service delivery. By promoting a culture of evaluation and efficiency, the government aims to optimize resources and ensure that public funds are used efficiently to benefit citizens across the country.

As the digitalization of administrative procedures continues to accelerate, the France Services spaces play a crucial role in bridging the gap for citizens who may struggle to navigate online services or access government assistance. These local service hubs offer a personalized and human-centered approach to public service delivery, ensuring that individuals in remote or underserved areas have access to the support they need. By collaborating with various national partners and stakeholders, the France Services program aims to create a cohesive network of support services to address the diverse needs of citizens and promote social cohesion and inclusivity.

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