Marine Le Pen and her team issued a formal denial regarding the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister. Reports had emerged that Emmanuel Macron had called Marine Le Pen to ensure her party, the Rassemblement National, would not automatically censor Barnier, who was designated as Prime Minister shortly after. However, Marine Le Pen denied having any conversation with Macron and dismissed the reports as inaccurate and based on false information. Despite this denial, a close ally of Le Pen confirmed that there was a phone call with Thierry Solère, described as an intermediary between the Elysée and the far-right leader, who approved the choice of Barnier as Prime Minister.

During her parliamentary return, Marine Le Pen refrained from criticizing the new Prime Minister, whom she has not yet met. While she acknowledged that Barnier is under scrutiny, she stated that it is not a threat but a fact. She also indicated that her party is unlikely to support the budget proposed by the government, which could lead to a censure vote. Le Pen made it clear that she is already preparing to set boundaries and important measures to ensure that the interests of the 11 million voters who support her party are respected, and she will not hesitate to censure the government if necessary.

Having faced criticism for her perceived closeness to the Macron government, especially after revelations of private dinners with high-ranking officials, Le Pen emphasized that she will not blindly support Macron’s policies. She stated that her party will hold the government accountable and will make its position clear in the coming weeks. If the interests of the French people are disregarded or mistreated, she declared that the Rassemblement National will not hesitate to take action and censure the government, making it clear that they will not be complacent towards Macron’s administration.

Despite her denial of any conversation with Macron regarding Barnier’s appointment, reports suggest that there was communication between Le Pen’s camp and representatives of the government. The situation highlights the complex relationships between different political factions in France and the potential for cooperation or confrontation between different parties. As Marine Le Pen positions herself as a strong opposition figure to the Macron government, she is preparing to assert her party’s position and hold the government accountable for its actions, signaling a potentially contentious dynamic in French politics in the coming months. The outcome of this situation remains uncertain, as the interactions between various political actors continue to evolve.

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