Michel Barnier, the French Prime Minister, continues his consultations with center and right-wing political parties following his meeting with lawmakers from Ensemble pour la République. He is currently attending parliamentary days hosted by Horizons, Edouard Philippe’s party, in Reims, and will also be participating in the MoDem party’s parliamentary days in Cély-en-Bière, Seine-et-Marne. While his participation in the parliamentary days of Les Républicains, the party he comes from, has not been confirmed yet. He also had discussions with Marc Fesneau, the resigning Minister of Agriculture and president of the MoDem group in the National Assembly, as well as Stéphane Séjourné, the resigning Minister of Foreign Affairs and secretary general of Renaissance, and Hervé Marseille, president of the Union des démocrates et indépendants (UDI) and the Union centrist group in the Senate. Barnier also had lunch with resigning Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire and his delegate to public accounts Thomas Cazenave.

On Monday, Michel Barnier met with leaders of the Libertés, Indépendants, Outre-mer et Territoires (LIOT) group, and on Sunday, he had a one-hour meeting with the leaders of Horizons and the MoDem party, including François Bayrou. However, some left-wing leaders, such as socialist Olivier Faure and Boris Vallaud, have declined to meet with the Prime Minister until after he delivers his statement of general policy in the Assembly. From the communist side, the National Secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, announced that he will be meeting with Michel Barnier alongside André Chassaigne, president of the Democratic and Republican Left group in the National Assembly, and Cécile Cukierman, president of the Communist, Republican, Citizen, and Ecologist group – Kanaky in the Senate, next Tuesday.

It seems that Michel Barnier is actively engaging with a wide range of political parties and leaders, spanning across the center-right to left-wing spectrum, in order to gather perspectives and input for his government’s policies and future direction. His meetings with various party leaders, including those from Horizons, MoDem, Les Républicains, and the communist parties, indicate a willingness to listen to different viewpoints and form alliances across the political landscape. This approach reflects a desire to build consensus and cooperation in shaping policy decisions that will impact the country and its citizens.

The consultations with Edouard Philippe’s party, Horizons, and the MoDem party indicate a strategic effort by Michel Barnier to reach out to key players within the political landscape and involve them in the decision-making process. By meeting with leaders from different ideological backgrounds, Barnier is seeking to build bridges and find common ground on important policy issues. The participation in parliamentary days and meetings with various party members highlight a commitment to inclusive governance and a willingness to engage in dialogue with diverse stakeholders in the political arena. This approach underscores the importance of collaboration and consultation in crafting effective and inclusive policies that address the needs and concerns of different segments of society.

Overall, Michel Barnier’s meetings with a wide array of political parties and leaders demonstrate a proactive approach to governance and decision-making. By engaging with both center and right-wing parties, as well as left-wing groups, he is signaling a commitment to building coalitions and seeking input from a broad spectrum of voices within the political landscape. This inclusive and consultative approach lays the groundwork for constructive dialogue and collaboration in shaping policies that reflect a diverse range of perspectives and priorities. As the Prime Minister navigates the complex political landscape, his efforts to engage with various parties and leaders reflect a commitment to open, transparent, and inclusive governance that involves key stakeholders in shaping the country’s future direction and policies.

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