The government’s intention is to allocate resources in the red zone for public infrastructure, such as schools, municipal buildings, prisons, and road infrastructure. Part of the funding has already been allocated through decree 140, but the remaining portion will be supplemented by the government. Minister of Civil Protection Nello Musumeci announced this after a ministerial meeting on the Campi Flegrei held at Palazzo Chigi. Musumeci stated that they want to understand how many people will request to secure their homes, with 8,000 buildings identified, 50% of which are at risk. Out of this 50%, 1,250 homes are at high seismic risk, and 2,750 are at medium risk. The government plans to evaluate the funding and methods needed to mitigate risks for those living in these buildings once the assessment of property vulnerability is complete. It is estimated that over 500 million euros will be required to secure buildings in the Campi Flegrei.

Musumeci emphasized the need for residents in the area to take responsibility for their safety, stating that while people in the south tend to be somewhat fatalistic, they must equip themselves to continue living in the region. He stressed that vulnerability of the area should not be taken lightly and only considered when a seismic event occurs. He also highlighted the importance of ongoing training exercises, stating that these activities have already commenced and should continue without interruption. Musumeci emphasized that local authorities are responsible for coordinating these exercises, which should involve active participation and emotional engagement from the community. The aim is to ensure that everyone knows how to respond in case of an emergency and evacuate without panic. Schools have already been involved in drills related to the risk of bradiseismic events, and another exercise is scheduled for May 30th. Participation from the public is encouraged to ensure preparedness and awareness.

In light of the potential risks and vulnerabilities in the Campi Flegrei area, Minister Musumeci underlined the need for a proactive approach to addressing safety concerns. He stressed the importance of ongoing risk assessment and investment in infrastructure to mitigate potential hazards. Musumeci acknowledged the historical tendency in the southern region to adapt to challenging circumstances with resilience but highlighted the necessity for proactive measures to secure homes and public buildings. The Minister emphasized the importance of government support in this endeavor and the commitment to allocate sufficient resources to address the safety of residents in the area. The government’s aim is to ensure that those living in the red zone are adequately protected and prepared for any potential risks that may arise.

Overall, the government’s strategy in the Campi Flegrei area focuses on enhancing public safety through infrastructure improvements and risk mitigation measures. Minister Musumeci’s announcement highlights the government’s commitment to supporting residents in the red zone by allocating funding and resources for building stabilization and safety upgrades. The Minister emphasized the importance of ongoing training exercises and community participation in preparedness efforts. By promoting a proactive approach to safety and investing in necessary infrastructure, the government aims to ensure that residents in the Campi Flegrei area are better equipped to handle potential risks and emergencies. The message is clear – readiness and preparation are key to ensuring the safety and well-being of those living in vulnerable areas.

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