Prisca Thevenot, spokesperson for the French government, has accused Raphaël Glucksmann, the socialist candidate for the European Parliament elections, of being a traitor in his own political family. She claims that Glucksmann does not consistently vote with his own party, and questions how he can be trusted to represent his country if he cannot even support his own political allies. Thevenot criticizes the lack of unity on the left, contrasting the disagreements within European political parties with the alliances formed at the national level.

Thevenot also took aim at Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right Rassemblement National (National Rally), accusing her of avoiding debates and being a deserter despite claiming to be a patriot. She highlights Le Pen’s reluctance to participate in a debate with President Emmanuel Macron before the European elections, and criticizes Jordan Bardella for choosing who he wanted to debate with. Thevenot believes that far-right politicians should be held accountable for their actions and should explain to the French people what they have achieved during their time in Parliament.

The spokesperson for the French government emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in politics, particularly in the context of the upcoming European elections. She criticizes the far-right politicians for failing to adequately represent and defend the interests of the French people, pointing to their opposition to important initiatives such as the Covid-19 vaccination campaign and the EU’s economic recovery plan. Thevenot argues that these politicians have put French citizens at risk by their inaction and lack of commitment to addressing crucial issues.

The tensions between different political factions in France are highlighted by Thevenot’s comments, as she criticizes the lack of cohesion within the left-wing parties and the divisive tactics employed by the far-right. She questions the reliability of politicians like Glucksmann, who do not consistently support their own party’s positions, and calls for a more united front in order to effectively represent the interests of the French people at the European level. Thevenot’s remarks underscore the complex political landscape in France and the challenges faced by politicians as they navigate competing interests and ideologies.

Overall, Thevenot’s statements reflect the broader debates and concerns surrounding the upcoming European elections, as French politicians jockey for position and attempt to define their platforms in the face of growing uncertainty and polarization. The criticisms levied against Glucksmann and Le Pen reveal the deep political divisions within France and the challenges of creating a cohesive and effective political strategy. As the election draws nearer, it remains to be seen how these tensions will shape the outcome and the future direction of French politics at both the national and European levels.

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