The PP of Jaén has reacted to the dissemination of a controversial audio message in which its president and regional deputy, Erik Domínguez, allegedly offered privileged information to a Ciudadanos official about a public tender, accusing the PSOE of allegedly promoting favoritism in the Provincial Council, where the socialists govern. The PP has requested the suspension of the selection process for civil servants in this organization, suspecting that Enrique Moreno, the recipient of the audio message sent in November 2022 in which the PP president allegedly leaked the requirements for a manager position at the Transport Consortium, may have benefited. Moreno, who was a regional deputy for Cs between 2018 and 2022, did not get that position, which went to a member of the PP’s youth organization, Nuevas Generaciones.

The president of the PP in Jaén referred on Saturday to the “coincidences” surrounding the controversial audio message being leaked on the same day that Moreno achieved the third position in the practical test of the three civil servant positions offered by the Provincial Council, where 250 people competed. “We are going to demand, through legal means, the suspension of the selection process at the Provincial Council and we will submit the creation of an investigation committee,” stated Domínguez in a press conference held on Saturday. The PP leader argues that the information known about these civil servant positions at the Provincial Council of Jaén “is something extremely serious,” even encouraging participants in the selection process to file allegations if they believe that the principle of equality may have been violated.

Domínguez has once again denied any responsibility in the WhatsApp message sent on November 15, 2022 to Moreno, where he allegedly shared the requirements for the position of manager at the Transport Consortium of Jaén. “I am sending you the requirements that have already been approved by the Board, which have not yet been published. Please be careful with this information, I am sending it to you in utmost confidence, okay?… so that you can keep it in mind and apply, okay? Come on,” can be heard in the audio that was broadcast by Cadena SER Andalucía. Domínguez admitted sending that message but stated that, although the requirements had not been published in the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía (BOJA) yet, they were already public as they had been approved by the consortium’s board and sent to the municipalities. He also announced legal actions against the dissemination of a message that, as he emphasized, “only Enrique Moreno and I had.”

The PP president of Jaén mentioned receiving numerous expressions of support, including from the regional president of his party and the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno. Domínguez framed this controversy within the “mud machine” of the PSOE in Jaén aiming to divert attention from the upcoming declaration as suspects, on the 17th, of the former Socialist mayor of Jaén, Julio Millán, and the vice president of the Provincial Council, África Colomo, following a complaint from the PP about the alleged buying of votes during the reflection day of the last municipal elections.

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