The Popular Party has summoned the Minister of Justice, Presidency, and Relations in Congress, Félix Bolaños, in the first request for witnesses for the investigation committee of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) promoted by the Popular Party in the Senate. The director of the CIS, Félix Tezanos, will also have to be accountable to the PP senators. This was explained by the spokesperson of the PP in the upper house, Alicia García, at a press conference: “[The committee] is not against the CIS or Tezanos, whose work is already in doubt, but to restore the prestige of the center and ensure its objectivity and transparency,” she said. The PP spokesperson has described the CIS presided over by Tezanos as “a propaganda tool of sanchismo,” which she claims is the reason for this investigation committee. She also accuses the director of the polling institution of deliberate manipulation by diverting the results of its surveys: “The deviations of the CIS are not a coincidence, they are a strategy,” she declared.

The work includes 92 requests for information, documentation, or reports and a list of 35 witnesses, which can be expanded and are expected to be approved as they have an absolute majority in the Senate. In turn, other political groups have announced their lists. Vox intends to summon 17 people, while the PSOE has proposed 20 witnesses, including former Minister of Universities Manuel Castells. García has indicated that the conclusions of the investigation committee could be referred to the Prosecutor’s Office.

The most important thing is what happens closest to us. Don’t miss anything, subscribe. The Popular Party has initiated a process to investigate the CIS, specifically focusing on the alleged lack of objectivity and transparency in the institution under the presidency of Félix Tezanos. The PP claims that the CIS has become a tool of propaganda for the current administration and accuses Tezanos of deliberately manipulating survey results. The investigation committee includes requests for information and a list of witnesses, which are expected to be approved given the majority held by the PP in the Senate.

This move by the Popular Party has led to other political groups also announcing their own lists of witnesses to be summoned before the investigation committee. Vox and the PSOE have put forward their lists, with Vox intending to call 17 people and the PSOE proposing 20 witnesses, including former Minister of Universities Manuel Castells. The PP has hinted that the conclusions of the investigation could potentially be referred to the Prosecutor’s Office, indicating the seriousness with which they view the alleged misconduct at the CIS.

The investigation into the CIS and its director Félix Tezanos is seen as an important step in restoring the credibility and objectivity of the institution. The Popular Party, through its spokesperson Alicia García, has emphasized that the purpose of the investigation is not to attack the CIS or Tezanos personally, but rather to ensure that the center operates with integrity and transparency. By holding Tezanos and other key figures accountable, the PP aims to address concerns about political manipulation of survey results and restore trust in the CIS as a reliable polling organization.

Overall, the investigation into the CIS and Félix Tezanos reflects the ongoing political tensions in Spain and the scrutiny faced by public institutions under different administrations. The outcome of this investigation and the actions taken by the Prosecutor’s Office, if any, will likely have significant implications for the reputation of the CIS and the credibility of polling data in Spain. The involvement of multiple political parties in this process further highlights the importance of ensuring the independence and objectivity of institutions responsible for providing accurate and reliable information to the public.

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