The Popular Party (PP) has announced that they will file a lawsuit against the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) on charges of illegal financing, bribery, and influence peddling in connection with the Koldo case. They are also calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, whom they claim was known within the corruption network as “number 1”. The PP’s secretary general, Cuca Gamarra, stated that there is a systemic corruption network with Sánchez at its head and that his position is untenable. The PP’s action comes after pressure from the far-right party Vox, which is calling for a united front against the government.

The PP’s lawsuit aims to shift the focus of the investigation onto the PSOE as the alleged beneficiary of the corruption network. Gamarra referred to reports of cash being delivered to the socialist party’s headquarters, implicating them in corrupt dealings. The PP seeks a judicial investigation into these claims and intends to hold the PSOE accountable for its involvement in the Koldo case. Gamarra listed various instances of alleged corruption linked to Sánchez and emphasized the need for a comprehensive political, parliamentary, and judicial response.

Despite demanding Sánchez’s resignation, the PP has ruled out initiating a motion of no confidence against the prime minister. They have not specified any new initiatives to be pursued in parliament, leaving little room for other parties to join their political offensive against the government. Vox, on the other hand, has called for decisive action beyond legal action, urging the PP to sever all ties with the ruling coalition and to take a more aggressive stance. The far-right party plans to pursue further legal action against Sánchez and his inner circle.

Vox has been pressuring the PP for months to break all ties with Sánchez’s government, citing the recent corruption scandals involving prominent figures close to the president as further grounds for their demands. The party has taken a hardline stance against the government, calling for Sánchez’s resignation and immediate elections due to the seriousness of the allegations of corruption, influence peddling, and money laundering. Vox is planning to file lawsuits against key figures in the government and push for more investigations into their alleged wrongdoing.

The political landscape in Spain is heating up as the PP and Vox intensify their attacks on the government, calling for Sánchez’s resignation and attempting to rally support for their cause. The PP’s legal actions against the PSOE and their demand for accountability from the government have brought renewed attention to the allegations of corruption and influence peddling at the highest levels of power. The coming days will likely see further developments as these parties continue to push for transparency and accountability in Spanish politics.

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