Hailstorm Hits Denizli, Causing Damage to Melon and Watermelon Crops

A hailstorm in Denizli yesterday afternoon affected the Çameli district center and some neighborhoods, with later in the evening in the Acıpayam district. The Akalan neighborhood, known as the region’s melon and watermelon production center, was particularly hit hard by the hailstorm, which lasted for about half an hour, leaving everything covered in a white blanket resembling snow.

Following the hail, intense rainfall caused sporadic floods and waterlogging in some areas, exacerbating the situation. The hail, which formed accumulations on the surface of the ground, caused significant financial losses to vegetable fields, especially to melon and watermelon crops in the region.

The Acıpayam Municipality Department of Public Works teams have started assessing the damage caused by the hailstorm and heavy rainfall in order to determine the extent of the losses incurred. Photos taken in the aftermath of the storm show the severity of the damage caused to the crops and the surrounding areas.

The local economy, heavily dependent on agricultural production, is expected to suffer greatly from the effects of the hailstorm. The damage caused by the hailstorm has affected not only the melon and watermelon crops but also other vegetable fields, creating a situation where farmers are facing considerable financial losses.

Authorities have urged farmers to report any damage caused by the hailstorm promptly, in order to ensure that they receive timely support and assistance to help them recover from the losses incurred. The extent of the damage caused by the hailstorm in Denizli is still being assessed, with further updates expected in the coming days.

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