In a letter to the editor, Garry Feeney discusses the wasteful consumer mentality that leads to the disposal of bicycles in landfills. He recalls receiving hand-me-down bikes from his father and believes that the desire for new products is promoted by manufacturers and retailers, leading to unnecessary waste. Volunteer Anthony Kimpton is mentioned for his work with Revolve Recycling in Alexandria, which has saved thousands of bicycles from ending up in landfills.

Another reader, Allan Gibson, shares his nostalgia for hand-me-down bikes from his father and expresses contentment with repurposing older bikes rather than getting new ones. He mentions that new bikes were often unattainable for his family, and he was happy to ride bikes with sentimental value and history. This highlights a contrast between the throwaway culture of today and the reuse and appreciation of older items in the past.

Peter Butler discusses his experience driving in Sydney and criticizes the behavior of drivers, particularly those associated with ride-sharing services like Uber. He observes reckless driving, disregard for traffic rules, and a lack of courtesy towards pedestrians. Butler implies that poor driving habits are passed on to learner drivers, underlining the importance of responsible driving behavior.

A reader named Mary Lawson supports the idea of prioritizing three-bedroom apartments in new developments, not only for families but also for retirees looking to downsize. She points out that many retirees would be interested in spacious apartments with modern amenities, similar to their previous homes. Lawson emphasizes the need for regulations to ensure developers allocate space for larger apartments instead of maximizing profits with smaller units.

Graham Lum expresses disappointment in politician Peter Dutton’s role in the defeat of the Voice referendum, which sought constitutional recognition for Indigenous Australians. Lum believes that Dutton’s actions may have been driven by personal gain and criticizes him for hindering progress towards reconciliation. Lum’s letter reflects a desire for accountability and justice in Indigenous affairs.

In another letter, a reader praises journalist David Marr for his intelligence, writing skills, and contributions to public debate. Marr is described as rational, intelligent, and impressive, with a reputation for thoughtful analysis and commentary. This letter highlights Marr’s impact in the media landscape and recognizes his influence on public discourse.

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