Elizabeth Francis, a Houston, Texas woman who turned 115 years old last month, is now the oldest living person in the United States. Her granddaughter, Ethel Harrison, shares that Francis credits her long life to the grace of God, as she is very spiritual. After the previous record holder Edie Ceccarelli passed away, Francis became the oldest living person in the country. She is also the fourth-oldest living person in the world according to the Gerontology Research Group (GRT). Francis lives at home with her 95-year-old daughter and has caregivers, including her granddaughter Harrison.

Francis always believed in the importance of family loyalty and taking care of one another. She was a caregiver herself, looking after her father until his passing at the age of 99 and later having her sister live with her. Harrison shares that Francis’s motto was to treat people as you would like to be treated, and they have always lived by that principle. Ben Meyers, CEO of LongeviQuest, a research organization focused on human longevity, notes that there is a growing interest in longevity and aging. Supercentenarians like Francis are seen as role models due to their unique histories and philosophies.

Meyers visited Francis earlier this year to present her with an award recognizing her as the oldest living American. He highlights the importance of family and community in Francis’s life, noting that she is the oldest person in the world who still lives at home and has an active church community supporting her. Despite having lived through two world wars and two pandemics, Francis has remained focused on her family and faith. She has three grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and four great-great-grandchildren. Harrison describes her grandmother as a family-oriented woman who always participated in gatherings, celebrations, and church activities.

Francis attends Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church, of which she has been a member for many years. Despite no longer being able to physically attend services, the church community remains active in visiting her and bringing communion. Meyers notes that supercentenarians like Francis often credit their longevity to a strong sense of faith. Harrison shares that even though Francis is not very talkative anymore, she still enjoys singing old hymns. She has a passion for gardening and sharing vegetables with others, believing in the importance of cooking healthy food and working hard. Francis is among the 68 known individuals to have reached the age of 115 and is among the 25 longest-lived people in American history.

When asked about the secret to her long life, Francis consistently attributes it to the grace of God. She remains strong and resilient, focusing on her daily life and not getting distracted by things beyond her control. Meyers emphasizes that the supercentenarians he interviews often have remarkable fortitude and dedication to their faith. Francis is admired for her steadfast commitment to her family and community, and for her unwavering belief in the power of God in sustaining her life. Despite her age, she remains an active member of her church and continues to inspire those around her with her longevity and faith.

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