On October 17, the full Hunter’s moon will rise in the sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars and is known for its impulsive nature. This supermoon will be the biggest and brightest of the year. The effects of this full moon will be particularly felt by those with personal planets in cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, especially in the late degrees of 20-29. This lunar event will instigate an impulse to heal and confront deep wounds for many individuals.

Evan Nathaniel Grim, an expert astrologer from Inner Worlds Astrology, explained that this full moon will be conjunct Chiron, the representation of our past wounds and traumas. For those in cardinal signs, particularly Aries, this will be a time for bravery and vulnerability. Aries individuals will be pushed to work through emotional turmoil and communicate their deepest feelings to others. This full moon presents a choice between being vulnerable and volatile, leading to potential deep healing for those who embrace their emotional vulnerabilities.

Cancer individuals will experience this full moon in their tenth house of career and authority. The lunation will require them to address their connection to authority figures and parents, which could lead to reconciliation and caretaking roles. Additionally, many Cancers will find themselves at a career crossroads, potentially choosing to pursue work in the healing field. With Mars in Cancer, there may be tense exchanges for Cancer natives, emphasizing the need for conflict resolution and transformation in significant relationships.

Libra individuals will be focused on themes of partnership and alliance during this full moon. They will need to evaluate whether their allies and partners are aiding in their healing journey or hindering it. Relationships that are not conducive to healing may come to an end, while those that foster vulnerability and resilience could deepen into true communion. Libras are encouraged to seek mutual support in their relationships while maintaining independence in their healing journeys.

For Capricorns, this full moon affects their fourth house of home and lineage, bringing up potential breakthroughs in family healing. Some Capricorns may be called to care for family or confront ancestral traumas, leading to significant personal growth. There may be changes in living situations or a move towards a more healing environment for some Capricorns. Ultimately, this full moon represents the end of something and the beginning of a new chapter for Capricorns seeking healing and transformation in their personal lives.

In conclusion, this full supermoon in Aries will be a powerful time for introspection, healing, and transformation for individuals in cardinal signs. Embracing vulnerability and openness will be key to unlocking the potential for deep healing and personal growth during this intense lunar event. Each zodiac sign will experience unique challenges and opportunities for growth during this full moon, making it a crucial time for reflection and self-awareness. Astrologer Reda Wigle offers guidance and insight into planetary configurations and their effects on each zodiac sign, providing a comprehensive resource for navigating the energies of this supermoon and beyond.

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