In the town of Casabermeja, in the province of Malaga, a tragic accident occurred on August 3, resulting in the death of three individuals and injuring three others. In Andalucía, there has been a 54% increase in traffic-related fatalities compared to the previous year, with 143 deaths recorded since January. This alarming trend surpasses the national average of a 5% increase in traffic-related fatalities. The Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) expressed concern over the rise in road accidents and deaths, especially as long-distance travel has only seen a modest increase of 4.9%. Despite this, the mortality rate on Andalusian roads remains high and does not correlate with the increase in mobility. Over the summer, the Guardia Civil has reported 24 accidents resulting in 34 fatalities, including nine motorcyclists.

In response to these concerning statistics, the DGT, in collaboration with the Guardia Civil Traffic Group, will implement a special surveillance operation during the August holiday period. This includes deploying additional officers on the roads and increasing the number of traffic patrol helicopter flights. Police officials held an urgent video conference meeting on Monday to prioritize measures for enforcement until the end of the weekend. The holiday weekend is expected to see a significant number of travelers due to the end of the first half of August, the four public holidays, and short trips to attend various festivities in multiple municipalities. Furthermore, there will be more speed controls using both fixed and mobile radars to ensure road safety.

Traffic authorities have analyzed the profile of road accidents in Andalucía, noting that by August 11, there were 50 more fatalities compared to the same period last year. Most of these deaths occurred on conventional roads (30) and highways (20). Run-off-road incidents have been the most common cause, resulting in 34 more fatalities in 2024 compared to the previous year. Such accidents are often linked to excessive speed or driver distraction. Motorcycle fatalities have doubled from 18 in 2023 to 37, while car occupants increased from 54 to 69, and pedestrian fatalities rose from 12 to 19. It has been observed that two-thirds of fatalities occurred during daylight hours and 33 victims were not using any safety equipment, such as seat belts or helmets.

The provinces of Granada, Córdoba, and Jaén have seen the highest increase in road accidents and fatalities in Andalucía. The DGT issued a plea for caution and urged road users to collaborate in reducing the number of fatalities. Drivers are advised to exercise maximum attention, caution, and adherence to traffic rules, as well as abstain from alcohol and drugs while driving. The DGT emphasized the importance of a zero alcohol limit while driving and recommended refraining from driving after consuming alcohol or drugs. The agency stressed the significance of prioritizing safety over temporary conveniences, as the consequences of a traffic accident can be life-altering.

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