Imagine having a genie AI tool that could make your wishes come true – what would you ask for? In a recent podcast interview, the idea of a personal CRM called Better Friend AI was suggested, where users could record voice notes after meeting someone to be reminded of the conversation topics the next time they meet. A few months later, a listener named Saravanan A. R. built this tool and now runs a business with customers.

Following this theme, AI experts, content creators, and business leaders were asked on Twitter what AI tool they would like to have if they could have anything in the world. The responses included tools to consolidate communications, assist with personal tasks, level up in business, and even gamify one’s life. For example, some dream AI tools included monitoring and summarizing emails, calendar, and communication transcripts, as well as having a personal assistant that can book appointments and handle mundane tasks.

Other requests included an AI tool that retrieves information from previous conversations to assist in future interactions, as well as tools that could source perfect stock photos, suggest growth ideas for businesses, and even make all the useless AI tools go away. The idea is to use AI to free up time for individuals to focus on their passions and pursue personal growth, rather than being bogged down by tasks that can be automated.

One unique idea proposed was an AI tool that could gamify one’s life by generating a “quest log” and virtual currency for completing tasks. This tool would integrate voice and visual recordings, as well as wearable technology, to create a gaming experience that rewards users with experience points and virtual currency for completing everyday tasks. This innovative approach combines elements of AI meeting tools with gaming concepts, creating a fun and interactive way to achieve goals and track progress.

The possibilities for AI tools to transform the way we live are endless, whether it’s consolidating communications, receiving personal assistance, improving business efficiency, or even gamifying everyday activities. By leveraging AI technology, individuals can streamline their tasks, free up time for more meaningful activities, and enhance their overall productivity and enjoyment of life. The key is to dream big, build innovative solutions, and share these ideas with others to inspire collaboration and creativity in the AI space.

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