Research has found that more than half a million Australians have considered or had designer vagina surgery, known as labiaplasty, influenced by mainstream pornography and social media. This surgery involves the removal or alteration of tissues from the labia, and is one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures among young people both in Australia and worldwide. The unrealistic body standards portrayed in porn and on social media are leading a new generation of individuals with vaginas to consider this procedure purely for cosmetic reasons. A study conducted by Women’s Health Victoria and YouGov found that a significant number of respondents felt anxious, unhappy or embarrassed about the appearance of their labia, with a quarter associating negative words with it.

Many individuals, especially younger generations, do not have a proper understanding or awareness of their genitalia and often lack knowledge about the true diversity of labia. The report from Women’s Health Victoria indicated that a large percentage of respondents have considered this cosmetic surgery, with a portion of them being influenced by images and videos online. Gen Zs, in particular, are obtaining information about what their genitalia “should look like” from porn, where labia are often airbrushed, filtered, or surgically altered. There is a call for more inclusive sex education in schools and better regulation of young people’s access to online pornography to address these issues around body image and self-esteem.

Images and videos online, as well as social media advertising, can create unrealistic body standards that lead young people to feel pressured about the appearance of their bodies. This pressure can result in individuals feeling embarrassed or anxious about their genitalia, causing some to delay medical visits or avoid sexual experiences. Libby Payne, an advocate for respectful relationships and consent, emphasizes the importance of normalizing and celebrating the diversity in size, shape, and color of the vulva and labia. It is crucial to have open and honest conversations about body diversity to combat the damaging effects of unrealistic standards perpetuated by media and porn.

Young people, according to Payne, are feeling immense pressure to conform to certain ideals regarding their bodies, such as being hairless or having a specific look to their labia. This pressure can lead to feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment, especially when it comes to intimate situations. There is a growing need for more education and awareness around the diversity and uniqueness of labia, as highlighted by Dr. Melissa Kang, who works with marginalized youth on adolescent sexual health. Addressing these issues requires a shift in societal attitudes towards body image, encouraging acceptance and celebration of individual differences.

The pressure to conform to certain body standards can have damaging effects on young people’s self-esteem and body image, leading to feelings of inadequacy and shame. It is essential to have open and honest conversations about the diversity and uniqueness of labia to combat these negative effects. Promoting positive body image, self-acceptance, and understanding of one’s own body is crucial in empowering individuals to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin. By normalizing and celebrating differences in body appearance, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society where individuals feel valued and accepted for who they are.

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