Aziz Tetik, who was on his way to Karasu for the funeral arrangements of his deceased brother, was driving behind the funeral car. At that moment, as he was reciting the words ‘Inna lillahi ve inna ileyhi raciun. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. Every soul shall taste death,’ the car under his control collided with a motorcycle that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The accident resulted in injuries to the 17-year-old motorcycle driver Ö.Y. and the passenger E.Y. Upon receiving the news, health and gendarmerie teams were dispatched to the scene. After the initial intervention at the scene, the injured individuals were transferred to the hospital. It was reported that the injured individuals are currently receiving treatment at the hospital.

The sudden collision between Aziz Tetik’s car and the motorcycle not only caused injuries to the two individuals on the motorcycle, but also added to the challenges faced by the family during the already difficult time of laying their loved one to rest. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of staying vigilant and focused while on the road, especially during emotional or stressful times.

The family of the deceased and the injured individuals must now navigate through the difficult process of dealing with both funeral arrangements and hospital visits. The community has come together to offer support and assistance in any way possible. The incident has also sparked conversations about road safety and the importance of following traffic rules to prevent such tragic accidents in the future.

As the injured individuals continue their recovery in the hospital, the community hopes for their speedy and full recovery. The accident has left a somber reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with loved ones. Aziz Tetik, who was faced with an unexpected turn of events while on his way to say goodbye to his brother, serves as a reminder to all to always stay cautious and attentive while on the road. The incident has left a lasting impact on all those involved and has highlighted the need for increased awareness and attention to road safety.

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