Prime Minister Gabriel Attal paid tribute on Friday to the two gendarmes who were killed during the violence in New Caledonia, stating that they had fallen while trying to restore order and protect their fellow citizens. The ceremony took place in Maisons-Alfort, where Attal expressed his respect for the two gendarmes who had lost their lives while facing riots and violence. Attal stated that the government would draw strength from their example to continue their mission.

The two gendarmes who lost their lives were Maréchal des Logis-Chef Nicolas Molinari, aged 22, and Major Xavier Salou, aged 46. Molinari was shot in the head during an intervention, while Salou was accidentally shot by one of his colleagues while handling a weapon. Their deaths are among the seven casualties of the ongoing violence in New Caledonia, which has been sparked by local opposition to an electoral reform proposed by the government. Attal emphasized that the mission to restore order in New Caledonia continues, urging for a swift resolution to prevent further escalation of the situation.

Attal highlighted the fragile nature of the current situation in New Caledonia, stating that even a slight provocation could destabilize the region further. He called for calm and dialogue as crucial components for resolving the crisis. Attal noted that President Emmanuel Macron is actively engaging in dialogue with key stakeholders on the ground to facilitate peaceful resolutions. As a gesture of respect, Attal bestowed the military medal and the insignia of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour on the coffins of the two gendarmes.

The violence in New Caledonia has been ongoing for ten days, with tensions escalating due to the rejection of the electoral reform by the local independence movement. Attal emphasized the importance of restoring order swiftly to prevent further deterioration of the situation. He commended the dedication and sacrifice of the two gendarmes who gave their lives in the line of duty, emphasizing the government’s commitment to honor their memory and continue their mission. Attal reiterated the need for dialogue and peaceful resolution, echoing the efforts of President Macron to promote reconciliation and understanding in New Caledonia.

In closing, Attal reiterated the government’s commitment to restoring peace and order in New Caledonia, acknowledging the challenges and risks involved in the process. He expressed solidarity with the families of the fallen gendarmes and pledged continued support for law enforcement authorities in their efforts to maintain security. Attal’s tribute to the two gendarmes served as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by those who serve their country, and as a call for unity and calm in the face of adversity. The government remains steadfast in its resolve to uphold the rule of law and protect the safety and well-being of all citizens in New Caledonia.

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