The Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) has admitted for processing the complaint filed by Alberto González Amador, boyfriend of the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, against the Prosecutor’s Office for the dissemination of a press release that denied the distorted information being spread by Ayuso’s team about the public prosecutor following the opening of proceedings against his partner, who is currently under investigation for tax fraud and falsification of documents. The court will investigate whether the Prosecutor’s Office exceeded the legally permissible limits in terms of the right to information, as these are criminal proceedings and therefore confidential. The judges stated that it must also be determined to what extent the constitutionally recognized rights of the complainant may have been harmed.

González Amador’s complaint is directed against María Pilar Rodríguez, Chief Prosecutor of the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Madrid, and Julián Salto, the prosecutor in charge of the investigation into Ayuso’s boyfriend for alleged disclosure of secrets by a public official. The origin of this case dates back to last March when, after the disclosure of the complaint by the Madrid Prosecutor’s Office against González Amador for defrauding more than 350,000 euros to the Tax Office, El Mundo published that the public prosecutor had offered a pact to him that same day. This was part of a strategy by the Popular Party to suggest political blackmail. However, it was clarified that the agreement had been initiated by González Amador’s lawyer a month earlier, as revealed by the media.

Amidst the media frenzy and the distorted information being spread by Ayuso’s team, the Madrid Prosecutor’s Office issued a statement on March 14 to clarify the situation. The statement refuted the lies that were circulating and maintained that nothing new was revealed in the press release. The Prosecutor’s Office defends its actions by stating that information already in the public domain is not a secret and therefore does not violate the confidentiality obligation. The Attorney General of the State also defended the actions of the Madrid Prosecutor’s Office and emphasized the importance of providing accurate information to combat false narratives about the case.

The TSJM believes that further investigation is necessary to determine the true nature of the events. The court has appointed a judge as the instructor of the case, which combines complaints filed separately by González Amador and the Madrid Bar Association. The court emphasized the need to assess the potential criminal implications of the case and the involvement of the accused individuals or others. The judgment acknowledges that there is sufficient basis for initiating an investigation and concludes that it is premature to dismiss the relevance of a detailed investigation into the alleged criminal activities.

The court’s resolution underscores the importance of clarifying the details and circumstances surrounding the case through a thorough investigation. Despite the news report that sparked the controversy and led to the Prosecutor’s clarification, the court is focused on determining the potential criminal consequences of the events described in the complaints. The TSJM’s decision to proceed with the case signifies a commitment to upholding justice and ensuring that all parties involved are held accountable for their actions.

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