The macrocause of the guarantees issued by the Junta in Andalusia is coming to an end after a decade-long investigation into millions of euros in public aid granted to companies by the public agency Idea during the socialist era. The investigation, which began in 2014 for embezzlement and prevarication, will conclude with a resolution that points towards a total closure. The court initially ruled to close the investigation due to a formal defect regarding regulated guarantees issued under a 2008 order, but left open for further investigation the exceptional guarantees granted outside of this. However, the judges have now corrected their own error and have closed the first of the 19 investigations regarding these exceptional guarantees, leading to the closure of all 19 pieces and effectively ending the case.

The judges determined that the original court had violated legal deadlines for investigation according to the Criminal Procedure Law, not only in relation to the regulated guarantees but also for the exceptional guarantees. The Audiencia clarified that a specific case, involving the company Tartessos Car which received a guarantee of 1.5 million euros, had a clear connection to the main investigation and should have respected the legal deadlines and extensions as per the law. The initial thesis by the Guardia Civil was that former high-ranking officials of the Junta allegedly favored dozens of companies by diverting public funds in an arbitrary manner, without proper authorization from the EU, after these companies had already benefited from the ERE fund.

The case was initially divided into Avales I and Avales II in 2017, but was later consolidated by order of Judge José Ignacio Vilaplana in 2021. The judges now argue that the Tartessos Car case should not have been separated initially, as it was already being investigated as part of the main case. The judges emphasize that the guarantee issued to Tartessos Car was already under investigation since 2013 as part of the main case, and that the decision to split the case in 2017 was made outside of the appropriate time frame. The judges clarify the reason for the unnatural division of the macrocause, noting that separate pieces should only be formed to investigate new events or individuals, and not for simplification purposes when the same object is being investigated as in the main case.

One of the defense attorneys involved in this case praised the judicial resolution and highlighted that their clients will be acquitted as they were called into the process after the expiration date set by the Audiencia. The resolution of this case marks a significant moment in the ongoing investigation into alleged corruption within the socialist governments of Andalusia. The closure of this macrocause raises questions about the handling of complex cases and the importance of adhering to legal deadlines and procedures. Despite the conclusion of this particular case, investigations into other aspects of alleged corruption may continue, shedding light on the intricate web of financial misconduct in the region.

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