People often yearn for things in the belief that it will improve their lives, but sometimes these desires do not lead to the expected happiness. Reddit users shared their thoughts on things people think they want until they actually have them. Living off-grid, owning boats, and raising livestock other than goats or chickens were mentioned as examples of things people may want but may not enjoy once they have them. Living off-grid, for example, may sound appealing for its perceived simplicity and peace, but the reality of isolation and lack of basic amenities can be challenging.

Exploring kinks and fetishes is another example of something people may think they want until they experience it. Fulfilling dreams can also lead to a sense of emptiness, as depicted in the movie “Soul,” where the protagonist achieves his lifelong dream only to ask, “Now what?” Aging is another aspect that people may not fully anticipate; while wisdom may come with age, physical deterioration can be disheartening. Similarly, childhood desires such as wishing for a cast or crutches may seem appealing until the reality of discomfort and inconvenience sets in.

Rekindling old relationships is cautioned against by some, as getting back with an ex may often lead to remembering why the relationship ended in the first place. Owning a pool table may seem like a fun addition to a home, but the space it occupies and minimal use it may get can outweigh the enjoyment it provides. Fame and the desire for attention and admiration can also be fleeting, with the potential for insincere relationships and feelings of isolation.

Having a large house may seem luxurious, but the maintenance, expenses, and sheer amount of cleaning required can be overwhelming. Parenting is another example of something people may think they want until they experience the reality of the challenges and sacrifices involved. Similarly, being in a leadership position may come with financial benefits but also bring stress, pressure, and the responsibility of delivering difficult news to employees.

Engaging in a threesome may be appealing in theory, but the practicalities and emotional complexities involved can make it far less enjoyable than anticipated. Body modifications such as piercings may also seem attractive, but the reality of discomfort and irritation can lead to regret. It is important to consider the long-term implications and consequences of desires before pursuing them, as what may seem appealing in theory may not necessarily bring the expected fulfillment in reality.

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