The writer expresses relief and hope following the unexpected victory of the New Popular Front (NFP) in the legislative elections on July 7th. They attribute this victory to a republican front reflex, as well as the mobilization of citizens, activists, and the social and solidarity economy. The dissolution of the government seemed to be leading to an inevitable victory for the far right, but the voters proved otherwise by delivering a decisive defeat. The President of the Republic now faces a complex situation and may have to appoint Lucie Castets to form a government, given that the NFP emerged as the leading bloc.

Despite not having a majority, the NFP holds a legitimate mandate from the voters. The writer dismisses criticisms about internal disagreements and program inconsistencies, pointing out similar issues within the outgoing majority. They emphasize the importance of adhering to constitutional principles and the values that should guide political life. As a banker and a leftist, the writer sees no contradiction, highlighting the role of ethical finance rooted in the ideals of social and solidarity economy.

As a former president of ESS France, the writer has witnessed the strength and impact of social and solidarity economy, with over 200,000 businesses and organizations across various sectors. They believe in a truthful approach to politics, acknowledging the challenges in implementing the NFP’s program, especially as a business leader. The writer stresses the importance of ethical finance and its role in creating a more equitable society, even if it means facing potential limitations and unintended consequences, such as the increase in the minimum wage.

The writer urges the President of the Republic to take on their responsibilities by promptly selecting a new Prime Minister in response to the election results. They emphasize the need for honesty and practicality in pursuing the NFP’s agenda, understanding the complexities and potential obstacles in its implementation. The writer remains committed to their republican values and believes in the transformative power of a social and solidarity economy. They see the NFP’s electoral success as a mandate to work towards a more just and inclusive society, guided by principles of fairness and cooperation.

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