In his article, Schlein discusses the recent attacks by the Lega party on President Mattarella and how they are disrupting the unity in Italy as the country approaches June 2nd, a national holiday. He notes that other opposition parties are also coming to the defense of the President in light of these attacks, highlighting the importance of showing support for the Head of State during this time.

The Lega party’s criticisms of Mattarella have caused a political divide in Italy, with Schlein pointing out that these attacks are undermining the sense of national unity that should be celebrated on June 2nd. The President has been a unifying figure in the country, and it is concerning to see these attacks from one of the major political parties in Italy. By standing up for the President, other opposition parties are sending a message of solidarity and support for Mattarella in the face of these criticisms.

June 2nd is a significant date for Italy, as it marks the anniversary of the country’s proclamation as a republic. This day is usually a time for Italians to come together in celebration and unity, but the recent political turmoil caused by the Lega party’s attacks on Mattarella has threatened to overshadow this sense of unity. It is important for all political parties to come together and show their support for the President during this time, in order to preserve the spirit of national unity that June 2nd represents.

Schlein also highlights the broader implications of the Lega party’s criticisms of Mattarella, noting that they could have a negative impact on Italy’s standing in the international community. The President plays an important role in representing the country on the global stage, and by attacking him, the Lega party risks damaging Italy’s reputation and relationships with other countries. It is crucial for all political parties to consider the implications of their actions on the country’s position in the world when making statements like these.

In conclusion, Schlein emphasizes the importance of unity and support for President Mattarella as Italy approaches June 2nd. The attacks by the Lega party threaten to undermine the sense of national unity that this day represents, and it is essential for all political parties to come together in support of the President. By standing up for Mattarella, opposition parties can send a strong message of solidarity and demonstrate their commitment to the values of democracy and respect for the Head of State. Ultimately, it is in the best interest of Italy as a whole to prioritize unity and support for President Mattarella during this time.

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