Multnomah County, home to Portland, Oregon, has added the state’s largest natural gas utility, NW Natural, to its $51.5 billion climate lawsuit against fossil fuel companies. The lawsuit, filed last year, accuses the companies’ carbon emissions of contributing to the deadly 2021 heat-dome event that claimed about 800 lives in Oregon, Washington state, and British Columbia. The amended complaint accuses NW Natural of being responsible for a substantial portion of greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon and deceiving the public about the harm of such emissions.

NW Natural has stated that it cannot comment in detail on the claims until it has completed reviewing them, but it believes the new claims are an attempt to divert attention from the legal and factual issues in the case. The utility has expressed its intention to vigorously contest the County’s claims should they proceed to court. This lawsuit represents the first time a gas utility has been named in a lawsuit accusing fossil fuel companies of climate deception, according to the Center for Climate Integrity, which tracks such cases across the U.S.

In addition to NW Natural, the amended complaint also includes the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine as a defendant. This group, which opposes the concept of human-caused global warming, has been added to the lawsuit. Multnomah County is seeking $51.5 billion in damages, primarily to cover the costs of responding to the effects of extreme heat, wildfire, and drought in the region. County chair Jessica Vega Pederson emphasized the county’s commitment to addressing climate change and protecting its residents, noting the high costs already being paid in terms of tax dollars, health, and lives.

After the initial complaint was filed last year, major oil companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron dismissed the lawsuit’s claims on climate change as baseless. Shell, another defendant in the case, stated that it is working to reduce its emissions and believes that addressing climate change requires a collaborative, society-wide approach. The company emphasized the need for smart policy from government and action from all sectors to drive progress on climate change. The case is currently pending in Multnomah County Circuit Court, with the County pushing for accountability and compensation from the fossil fuel companies named in the lawsuit.

Overall, the lawsuit filed by Multnomah County highlights the growing trend of legal action against fossil fuel companies for their role in contributing to climate change and its impacts. With governments and advocacy groups increasingly holding these companies accountable for their emissions and environmental harm, the case serves as a key example of the ongoing efforts to address climate change through the legal system. As the lawsuit progresses, all parties involved will continue to make their arguments and push for a resolution that addresses the impacts of climate change and holds responsible parties to account for their actions.

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