The court investigating the Secretary General of the PSOE in the Region of Murcia, José Vélez, for alleged crimes of prevarication and embezzlement in the organization of a bullfighting event during his time as mayor of Calasparra in 2017 to 2019 has concluded the investigation and ordered that he be prosecuted. The court has also decided to continue proceedings against two other socialist leaders, Jordi Arce and Antonio José Merino, who were councilors in charge of festivities in the town during the same period. The prosecutor had requested their prosecution in July due to evidence of irregularities in the management of a contract to organize the Rice Bullfighting Fair by Chipé Producciones, the company running the bullring in the town.

It was found that in 2017, the Calasparra City Council, under the leadership of Vélez, signed a agreement with Chipé Producciones to pay 30,000 euros for the use of their bulls in the traditional bull runs as part of the town’s patron saint festivities, which coincided with the private bullfighting event. In 2018, a second agreement for 37,000 euros was made, and in 2019, a contract for 15,000 euros was signed with the same company for the bull runs. The court noted that the municipality made various payments using public funds that benefited the investigated businessman, exceeding the agreed prices in all three years. These actions may constitute crimes of administrative wrongdoing and embezzlement of public funds, and there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the suspects were involved in these crimes.

Following this decision, the prosecution and other involved parties have 10 days to file their writ of prosecution requesting either a trial or the closure of the case. José Vélez served as mayor of Calasparra from 2014 to 2020 and later became the government delegate for the Region of Murcia until the 2023 regional and municipal elections, where he ran as the PSOE candidate for the presidency of the autonomous community. He currently holds the position of Secretary General of the PSOE in the Region of Murcia and is the spokesperson for the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Regional Assembly.

It is alleged that Vélez and the other accused socialist leaders systematically authorized and paid for expenses with public funds that ultimately benefited Chipé Producciones, far exceeding the agreed prices. The court believes that there is enough evidence to link the suspects to the crimes in question, establishing a case for prevarication and embezzlement. The legal proceedings are set to continue, and the defendants will have the opportunity to defend themselves.

The investigation centers around the misuse of public funds and irregularities in the organization of the private bullfighting event, with the court finding evidence of potentially illegal actions taken by Vélez and the other defendants. The case has raised concerns about ethical conduct and transparency in public office in Calasparra and has sparked public debate about accountability and integrity in local government. The court’s decision to prosecute Vélez and the others underscores the seriousness of the allegations and the need for a thorough legal process to ensure justice is served.

In conclusion, the court has ordered the prosecution of José Vélez and two other socialist leaders for alleged crimes related to the organization of a bullfighting event in Calasparra. The investigation found evidence of irregularities in the management of public funds, leading to charges of prevarication and embezzlement. The legal process will continue, giving the defendants the opportunity to defend themselves and ensuring a fair trial. The case has highlighted issues of accountability and transparency in local government, sparking public debate about ethical conduct in public office.

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