A 20-year-old young man was arrested as responsible for the fatal stabbing of Mateo, an 11-year-old boy who was playing on Sunday with his friends at a sports center in Mocejón, a town in Toledo with 5,000 inhabitants. The arrest brought relief to the residents of the town. The suspect confessed to the crime during questioning, and now awaits judicial proceedings. Investigations are ongoing to locate the knife used in the attack and determine the motives behind the crime, with no links to jihadist attacks or youth gangs being found. The arrested individual has ties to the municipality, residing in Madrid with his mother but spending time at his father’s home in Mocejón.

The man’s behavior during questioning was described as inconsistent and deranged at times. The Civil Guard conducted searches at the father and grandmother’s residences for evidence related to the crime, such as the clothing worn during the stabbing or the weapon used. It is believed that the suspect changed clothes at his grandmother’s house, although it is uncertain whether this occurred before or after the attack at the sports center that resulted in the boy’s death. The Government Delegate Milagros Tolón condemned the crime as a “barbaric act” that shocked the community. She plans to address the media to provide updates on the two incidents that occurred over the weekend in the province, including the murder of Mateo and another shooting incident.

The attack on the child in Mocejón took place on Sunday morning while he was playing with other children at the sports facility. A masked individual entered the premises, approached the group of minors, and stabbed the boy before fleeing the scene. The Civil Guard’s Judicial Police Unit and the Information Group of the Toledo Command are leading the investigation under the supervision of the local court. The proceedings have been classified as confidential. Following the arrest, Asell Sánchez-Vicente, a spokesperson for the family, expressed gratitude for the support received and urged against racial profiling related to the crime rumors. Regional and national authorities also commended the law enforcement agencies for their efforts in solving the case.

President Pedro Sánchez praised the Guardia Civil for their exceptional work and expressed condolences to the family and friends of the young victim. Calls for a reevaluation of rural security measures were made by the association Justice for the Guardia Civil (JUCIL) following the incident, highlighting the need for increased staffing and response capabilities in rural areas. Criticism was directed towards the delayed response time to the incident in Mocejón, emphasizing the necessity for improved security resources in the province of Toledo. The association estimates that 200 additional agents are required to address the existing deficit in the region, as per the latest job vacancies catalog. On social media, community members and public figures declared their support for the affected families and their appreciation for the investigative efforts carried out by law enforcement agencies.

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