Kate Middleton, also known as the HRH The Princess of Wales, embodies the traits of a Capricorn queen with her impeccable tailoring, steely reserve, penchant for editing, and avoidance of vulnerability. Born on January 9, 1982, Middleton is a Capricorn sun with an emotionally sunburned Cancer moon. Capricorn, ruling the 10th house of public life, is all about rising through the ranks, with Middleton essentially being at the top of the blue-blood class system. However, a recent incident saw Middleton apologizing for editing a family photo after surgery, showcasing a vulnerable side that Capricorns typically avoid.
Activity surrounding Middleton’s recent surgery and the subsequent edited family photo has sparked speculation among conspiracy theorists and trolls. Capricorns are known for their stoic nature and reluctance to ask for help, even in difficult situations. Middleton’s absence from the public eye following surgery goes against the typical Capricorn behavior of always appearing in control and put-together. These traits make Middleton the epitome of British royalty, ensuring that the complex and potentially scandalous aspects of royal life remain hidden.
Middleton’s Cancer moon serves as a contrast to her Capricorn sun, yearning for tenderness and emotional release in the midst of her highly controlled public persona. The opposition between her sun and moon indicates a disconnect between her image and emotional nature. Both signs are desperate for approval and acceptance while being guarded and judgmental. Middleton’s guarded nature is reflected in her armored existence behind the walls of the monarchy.
The influence of Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, upholds structure and standards in Middleton’s life and persona. Middleton’s Mars in Libra further reveals her sensitivity, defense mechanisms, and ambition for personal power. Next month’s full solar eclipse may bring struggles with male authority figures and ego crises but also presents an opportunity for Middleton to make significant decisions about her future. Astrologer Reda Wigle provides insights into Middleton’s astrological profile, highlighting the powerful influences at play in her life.