This article discusses the ongoing racism and discrimination faced by First Nations people in Australia, despite the vocal support they received leading up to a referendum. The authors express disappointment in the lack of sustained allyship from non-Indigenous people, who seem to have retreated back to their normal routines after the referendum. The authors call for continued support and action from these allies, urging them to speak out against racism, engage in difficult conversations, and actively participate in reconciliation efforts.

The referendum mentioned in the article was intended to give First Nations people a Voice and work towards reconciliation. While there was strong support from some individuals and organizations, many allies have seemingly disappeared since the referendum ended. The authors emphasize the need for ongoing commitment and involvement from non-Indigenous allies in order to combat racism and support Indigenous communities.

The authors acknowledge that not all Australians voted in favor of the referendum, citing various reasons such as a lack of belief in reconciliation or misinformation. However, they believe that there are still opportunities to educate and win over those who may have voted against the referendum. The authors call for renewed efforts from non-Indigenous allies to continue advocating for First Nations people and challenging racist behavior in society.

National Reconciliation Week may be over, but the journey towards reconciliation is ongoing and requires active participation from everyone. The authors stress the importance of non-Indigenous allies speaking out against racism, engaging in meaningful conversations, and showing visible support for First Nations communities. They express concerns about the impact of continued racism on Indigenous individuals and future generations, highlighting the urgency of sustained allyship and solidarity.

The authors, who work in various Indigenous-focused organizations, urge non-Indigenous allies to set aside disappointment and recommit to supporting reconciliation efforts. They emphasize the need for allyship in addressing systemic racism and promoting understanding and healing for all Australians. The authors call for a united effort in combating racism and creating a more inclusive and equitable society for First Nations people.

In conclusion, the authors emphasize the importance of ongoing support and engagement from non-Indigenous allies in the fight against racism and discrimination towards First Nations people in Australia. They call for sustained efforts in challenging racist behavior, having difficult conversations, and actively promoting reconciliation. The authors stress the need for solidarity and unity in building a more just and equitable society for all Australians.

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