Rotem Eylor, the founder and CEO of Republic Floor, discusses the importance of inclusivity in the workplace in a recent article. While diversity is often seen as the “what” in the DEI movement, inclusivity is the “how” that translates diversity into better business outcomes. To truly benefit from inclusivity, leaders must involve their teams in decision-making processes, not just include them in discussions.

To move from inclusion to involvement, leaders must become expert listeners. This means not only hearing what is said but also noticing what isn’t being said and bringing those thoughts to the surface. Leaders must also welcome dissenting views and use the diversity within their organization to test the viability of ideas. By becoming next-level listeners, leaders can promote inclusivity as an institutional value and model for others in the organization.

One practical step organizations can take to foster better involvement is providing diverse communication channels for feedback. Leaders must recognize that different team members may prefer different methods of communication, such as anonymous surveys or one-on-one meetings. By providing several options for involvement, organizations communicate that they value everyone’s input and promote inclusivity.

Organizations that are just starting their inclusivity journey should expect a season of discomfort, as shifting from delivering monologues to facilitating dialogues requires time and patience. Getting buy-in for inclusivity may require difficult conversations about implicit bias, as well as training team members on how to overcome it. It’s important to remember that inclusivity is a long-term investment that may not result in immediate improvements, but can lead to a wide range of benefits in the long run.

Overall, good leaders want to see their organizations experience the benefits of inclusivity, while great leaders are willing to take the necessary steps to realize those benefits. Learning to be a next-level listener is one important step leaders can take to cultivate environments where inclusivity can thrive. The Forbes Business Council is a growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders looking to qualify for the DEI movement.

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