A new development has emerged regarding actor Şahan Gökbakar’s villa in Marmaris district of Muğla, where the building permit was canceled.

An unauthorized villa in the Datça-Bozburun Special Environmental Protection Area underwent a technical inspection and assessment, and Gökbakar’s villa was sealed by the authorities.

Last week, Marmaris Municipality had visited the illegal construction site and left due to the locked and fenced area.

If the demolition of the villa is not completed within the legal timeframe, the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change will step in.

The municipality’s statement regarding the sealing of the building was as follows:
“The technical inspection and assessment of the property owned by Çamaşırhane Film Production Co. in Turgut Mahallesi, known as the home of the artist Şahan Gökbakar, was carried out by the Urbanization Department of Marmaris Municipality today. The building was assessed and sealed. The next steps will be taken in accordance with the relevant legislation and timelines.”

Marmaris Municipality had previously announced on September 9th that after the inspection of the building whose building permit was revoked by the Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the necessary legal procedures would be carried out.

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