The PP leadership declares that the legislature is dead and should never have started. Despite the challenges faced by the current legislature, the government is determined to continue. Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the leader of the PP, predicts the eventual fall of the ruling majority and its replacement by a new government led by him, but no date is specified. Socialists consulted insist that they will not back down during this crucial week for the stability of the legislature, marked by negotiations with ERC to support Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat de Cataluña, and the interrogation of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez by Judge Juan Carlos Peinado at La Moncloa. The government’s hopes are pinned on Illa’s presidency, with negotiations focusing on Catalonia’s tax autonomy.

The negotiations with ERC are significant, with a potential agreement hinging on Marta Rovira’s support for Illa’s investiture. Rovira’s endorsement is crucial as it indicates unity within ERC in supporting Illa. Despite internal struggles within Esquerra, there is a serious intention to support Illa with favorable measures for Catalonia’s self-government. However, challenges remain, including Carles Puigdemont’s campaign against Illa, calling him the “most Spanish” candidate and potentially swaying ERC members. There is also a faction within ERC in favor of repeating elections rather than supporting Illa, while Junts has proposed a united independence coalition for potential future elections.

The former president of Catalonia, Puigdemont, has demanded PSC support for his investiture and called for amnesty, but these requests will not be met. The approval of amnesty lies with the judiciary, not with the government or socialists, and the Supreme Court has challenged the legality of the proposed law. Puigdemont’s potential arrest upon returning to Spain could complicate negotiations between PSC and ERC. The rejection by Junts of budget stability measures and changes to the Foreigner’s Law indicate potential difficulties if the PSC candidate becomes president of the Generalitat, although no concessions will be made with regards to Illa’s investiture.

The government is facing internal disturbances due to potential legal actions against Begoña Gómez, the wife of President Pedro Sánchez. Despite public statements dismissing any wrongdoing, the government is bracing for judicial inquiries by Judge Peinado. The decision to interrogate President Sánchez in person suggests that he too may face legal repercussions. As an official, any legal issues involving the President would be handled by the Supreme Court. Additionally, the upcoming election of the new president of the General Council of the Judiciary may mark the end of years of obstruction due to the PP’s reluctance to renew the organization. Despite these challenges, the government is attempting to maintain a semblance of normalcy amidst uncertainty.

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