In a complex national and international political landscape, the Minister of Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, attended the closing of the VI edition of the La Toja Atlantic Link Forum on Saturday. This forum advocates for the survival of classic bipartisan values, promoting “optimistic activism.” Bolaños highlighted the importance of pacts, agreements, and State consensus with the PP for the government of Pedro Sánchez, emphasizing the need for dialogue and understanding with parties that have different opinions in the fragmented Congress, as this strengthens Spain.

Over the course of three days on the spa island of A Toxa, 48 high-level speakers engaged in 17 talks on the current economic and political challenges facing Europe, particularly Spain, due to increasing polarization. The La Toja Forum has become an annual meeting for advocates of centrality, liberal democracy, moderation, and combating extremism, including leaders from the PSOE, PP, and executives from Ibex companies and national businesses. The discussions focused on the opportunities that Europe and Spain may be missing out on due to excessive regulations and the flight of talent and investments to the US and the competition from China.

In this context, Minister Bolaños closed the event on Saturday, having listened to speeches, including those by former socialist president Felipe González, who proposed a reform of the 1978 Constitution to preserve Spain’s territorial integrity. Bolaños reiterated the government’s commitment to country pacts with the PP and other necessary alliances in contemporary Spain. He praised the Constitution’s good health and defended negotiations with Catalan independence parties as part of the government’s strategy to engage and reach agreements with different parties, promoting intelligent patriotism for constitutional and national strengthening.

Bolaños provided examples of major State agreements reached with the PP, such as the reform of Article 49 of the Constitution and the costly consensus to renew the General Council of the Judiciary, demonstrating the government’s commitment to identity through pacts. He highlighted the importance of ongoing partnerships with the PP and other legislative partners, such as the recent agreement with EH Bildu on the “Gag Law.” The Minister emphasized that understanding and working with different parties strengthens democracy and the success of Spain, managing the complexity of the country and society.

Concluding his address, Bolaños emphasized the government’s commitment to dialogue and consensus, presenting optimistic figures on Spain’s political, economic, and social position as a reference point in Europe. He remarked that parties like ERC, PNV, BNG, Bildu, and Junts are part of Spain, and building cooperation with them is essential for managing the country’s complexity. The Minister’s message underlined the importance of continued activism for dialogue and consensus in a challenging political and economic environment, advocating for a collaborative approach to enhance Spain’s stability and progress.

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