Elly Schlein, the secretary of the Democratic Party, has spoken out against the institutional clash fueled by the government in an attempt to cover up their own incompetence. She emphasizes that the responsibility does not lie with the judges or the opposition, but with the government itself. Schlein suggests that the government is using the clash with the institutions as a distraction from their own failings and inability to effectively address key issues.

The statement by Schlein highlights the ongoing tension between the government and the judiciary, with the former attempting to shift the blame onto others for their shortcomings. By accusing the judges and the opposition of not understanding laws and sentences, Schlein suggests that the government is trying to avoid taking responsibility for its own actions. This raises concerns about the state of governance and accountability within the country.

The criticism leveled by Schlein reflects a larger trend of political maneuvering and scapegoating within the government. By deflecting blame onto the judiciary and the opposition, the government is attempting to evade accountability for its own failings. This strategy risks damaging the credibility and effectiveness of the government, as well as undermining the rule of law and the judicial system in the country.

The comments by Schlein also highlight the need for greater transparency and accountability within the government. By acknowledging the role of the government in the institutional clash and recognizing the need for improvement, Schlein is advocating for a more honest and responsible approach to governance. This could help to rebuild trust and confidence in the government and ensure that key issues are addressed effectively.

Overall, the statement by Elly Schlein underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of the institutional clash and holding the government accountable for its actions. By acknowledging the government’s responsibility in fueling the clash and advocating for greater transparency and accountability, Schlein is calling for a more honest and effective approach to governance. This could help to restore trust in the government and ensure that key issues are addressed in a responsible and constructive manner.

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